Sunday, December 11, 2011

14 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: "Goldman Sachs dictatorship: Hitler's dream"

Yes, Hitler longed for a firm established by Jews to control the world.

This bit of WTFery comes from a quirky anti-Bilderberg/anti-fascist, Bible-thumping commentator by the name of Tony Gosling, via the Russia Today clip below. To be fair, Gosling does not actually specify Goldman Sachs; that headline was added by Russia Today and posted to the headline news feed on Infowars.


AGD said...

You're being too generous; he mentions GS twice (pretty speedily, though). His personal page is a bit of a mess but at least he's available for presentations (with powerpoint! Joy!).

This daily burst-of-weird is great fun.

albina N muro said...

This bit of WTFery comes from a quirky anti-Bilderberg/anti-fascist, Bible-thumping commentator by the name of Tony Gosling, via the Russia Today clip below. Personalised Christmas stockings

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