I'm going to be blunt: This is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard on The Alex Jones Show. It's speculative to the point of absurdity, needlessly alarmist, and inaccurate in its few concrete details. I'm not even going to w.a.s.t.e. much time on it.
In brief, Steve Quayle claims a military source told him the U.S. Postal Service has constructed "secret rooms" in 130 post offices. They're called Criminal Investigative Units, and are presumably intended for use by the Postal Inspection Service, which deals with everything from benefits fraud to bioterrorism-by-mail. But Quayle assumes the rooms are really part of a martial law plan that also includes "indoctrinated multicultural post office workers" (whatever that means).
The Prison Planet article on this vast conspiracy points out a website about the new Macon, Georgia, post office that actually mentions the Criminal Investigative Unit rooms - so there goes the idea that they're "secret".
I don't know just why these rooms are being constructed, but I don't think Steve Quayle does, either. For years, his main area of study has been "giants in the bible" - quite a leap from shadow government intel, don't you think? And his track record of providing reliable information is sad:
- In January of last year, a high-ranking officer who works on "deep psychological operations" for NORTHCOM told Quayle that the Department of Defense is spending money to develop new multi-user online games like World of Warcraft. Jones: "The military is using the XBox as the platform to fly predator drones, and they want to hire the top-scoring teenagers." This claim was apparently based on this article, and other reports that the Autonomous Rotorcraft Sniper System (basically .338-caliber rifles mounted beneath Vigilante drone helicopters) uses a modified Xbox 360 game controller for targeting. There have been no indications that the military actually wants to use gamers as "pilots". I mean, c'mon, WoW players flying drones from their mom's basements? Srsly? (Jan. 8/09 broadcast)
- The same source told Quayle that on October 7, 2008 the U.S. was just minutes from martial law because "China demanded 3.1 trillion Ameros, which the Bush regime gave to them, or they would basically cancel and crash our currency." Considering that the Amero doesn't actually exist, this is kinda unlikely. Are we really expected to believe the Treasury would issue secret currency for two years, without any of it getting into circulation? Jones: "They announced a month ago in The New York Times that the Federal Reserve is issuing something above treasury notes itself [sic] that is collateralized by North American assets. So that's your Amero." No, that's a Treasury bond. And the Times doesn't buy into the Amero rumours, as this 2007 article shows.
- H1N1 and its vaccine were "execution by injection", a form of "esoteric murder, ritual Satanic deliverance of the innocents to death", timed to occur with the "occult day, Cinco de Mayo". Not only is Cinco de Mayo unaffiliated with any sort of occult tradition, it's not even a religious holiday. Celebrants commemorate the 1862 Mexican victory against the French in the Battle of Puebla. They do extremely sinister, occulty-type things like drink beer, dance, and play air guitar. (April 28/09 broadcast)
- When Quayle interviewed Sam Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, Cohen allegedly told him off-air that red mercury is real. Quayle surmises the U.S. gave some of it to China and/or Iraq. Perhaps they sold China some Imipolex-G, too. (interview)