Saturday, December 24, 2011

1 Crazy Notion 'til Christmas: The False Flag Underwear Bomb

On Christmas Day, 2009, 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab boarded Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in Amsterdam. The plane was heading for Detroit.

Umar looked like an ordinary guy, wearing a baggy T-shirt and jeans. No one would have guessed he came from one of the wealthiest families in Nigeria, if not all of Africa. His father, Umaru Abdul Mutallab, was a wildly successful banker and businessman, and Umar and his 15 older siblings had been sent to excellent international schools and universities. In fact, Umar was supposed to have been in school throughout the latter half of 2009, attending the San'a Institute for the Arabic Language in Yemen. No one in his family had been pleased about his choice of this school, and none of them knew that he had basically dropped out after a month. In October, his father refused to fund a seven-year course in sharia law and Arabic that Umar supposedly wanted to take. Umar informed his dad that he had other backers who would sponsor and support him, and wrote that he was breaking off contact with his family because he had discovered "the real Islam". Mutallab feared that his son had become a radical Islamist (Yemen has long been a hub for Islamist terrorism). He was worried enough about this possibility to report it to CIA agents at the U.S. Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria, in late November.

This was not the first time that Umar's activities had alarmed people. In May 2009, while studying in Australia, he applied for a student visa to study "life coaching" at a certain college in the UK. Officials noticed that the college didn't actually exist. His application was rejected and his name is added a Home Office watch list, preventing him from entering the UK.

After his father's warning to the embassy, Umar was allowed to keep his U.S. visa (issued in 2008), but his name was immediately added to the U.S. Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, a database maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center. However, it was not added to the FBI's Terrorist Screening Database, which functions as a source list for both the Secondary Screening Selectee list and the No Fly list. Umar would have no trouble getting on a plane to the U.S.

So far as anyone knows, Umar wasn't taking any courses in December 2009. He says he was working with Al Qaeda in Yemen.
Umar had long held more extreme religious views than the rest of his family. In 2005 he posted comments to an Islamist website, reeling out a "jihad fantasy" in which Muslims would rule the world. This was the same year he began studying engineering and business finance at University College, London, and attending the East London Mosque in Whitechapel, a mosque known for inviting some extremist figures to give speeches (take a look at some of the visiting lecturers listed on the mosque's Wikipedia entry).
He became president of University College's Islamic Society, and in 2007 organized a five-day series of lectures about the War on Terror. Speakers included former Guantánamo Bay detainees and human rights lawyers. The topic of one lecture was "Jihad vs. Terrorism".

On the Christmas Day flight, Abdulmutallab had an explosive device sealed in a pouch hidden in his underwear. As the plane neared Detroit, he used a liquid-filled syringe to ignite the explosive powder. It burned, but did not explode. Fellow passengers immediately noticed the unusual odor coming from his seat, and saw flames develop. Dutch filmmaker Jasper Shuringa took it upon himself to tackle Abdulmutallab, struggling with him as flight attendants put out the flames (another man who helped subdue the bomber, Theophilus Maranga, sued the airline).

The Blame Game, Detroit Edition

To explain what really happened on Christmas Day two years ago, Alex Jones brought Mr. Lebowski Webster Tarpley onto his show. Tarpley presented the following suppositions and factoids to support his contention that Abdulmutallab was not a terrorist, but a patsy (Tarpley's statements are in bold):

- Abdulmutallab was mentally defective, with a developmental disorder of some kind, incapable of doing anything without close supervision. There is no absolutely no evidential support for this. Though he was known as a quiet young man, Abdulmutallab studied complex subjects at excellent schools, wrote normally, and served as president of a university Islamic associaton.
Jones is quite fond of calling terrorists "sub-mental" or mentally ill. He has repeatedly stated that Marinus van der Lubbe was "retarded", though the man spoke two languages and functioned perfectly well as a labour volunteer. Tarpley and Jones both referred to shoe bomber Richard Reid as "retarded". Reid was a career criminal with little education, but there is no evidence that he was of below-average intelligence. If he was mentally handicapped, he may have been able to successfully plead not guilty, or could appeal his conviction on those grounds.

- Abdulmutallab was probably selected and groomed by MI5 while studying in London. This is a completely unsupported statement. Like all LaRouchites, Tarpley really, really hates England.

- Abdulmutallab purchased a one-way ticket to Detroit, which should have served as a huge terror tip-off. This is incorrect. Abdulmutallab purchased a return ticket from Lagos to Detroit (via Amsterdam) from a KLM office in Ghana on December 16, 2009. (see the Telegraph's timeline)

- A "patsy chaperone", a well-dressed Indian man, accompanied Umar to the ticket counter in Amsterdam to explain that Abdulmutallab did not have his passport. This goes to show that he was incapable of independent action, and that someone was pulling strings to get him on the flight. The "Indian man" (also described as an African man) reportedly seen with Abdulmutallab has not been identified. He could have been an accomplice, or an acquaintance. No one knows. So Tarpley doesn't know, either. And airport officials in Amsterdam have stated that Abdulmutallab did present a valid Nigerian ID and a U.S. visa.

Why Mrs. Cleaver, you're looking prettier than usual today

The conspiranoids of the world didn't have much to work with in the underwear bomb case. Abdulmutallab's own father suspected him of being a radicalized Islamist. He fit the same profile as many young, upper-class Muslim men who are turned on to extremism while studying abroad. He was caught almost literally red-handed trying to blow up an airplane. What kind of conspiracy theory can you cobble out of this sad, all-too-familiar story?

Enter Mr. Haskell. The following comes from Haskell's interview on The Alex Jones Show.

Kurt and Lori Haskell were passengers on Flight 253. The married attorneys were returning from a vacation in Africa.
Kurt went to the media immediately after the would-be bombing to declare that the FBI and nearly everyone else involved with the incident were lying; Abdulmutallab was a patsy in a U.S. government operation.
Haskell said he and his wife had watched the "Indian man" intercede on Abdulmutallab's behalf at the airport in Amsterdam, getting him onto the flight without his passport. In Detroit, all the passengers were detained at the airport by the FBI. Bomb-sniffing dogs were brought in to sniff luggage, and one dog sat down beside a carry-on bag belonging to a man Haskell refers to as "the man in orange", a thirtyish man of "Indian or Pakistani descent". The M.I.O. was taken into a separate room for about an hour, and when he emerged he was in cuffs. FBI agents escorted him somewhere else. The other passengers were told they had to be moved to another part of the airport because there could be another explosive device in the area. They were ushered into a corridor.

The FBI denied that anyone other than Abdulmutallab had been detained. Later, it stated that one man had been taken into custody over a passport issue, but declined to give the man's name or any details.
No explosive devices were found outside of Umar's underwear.
In October, Haskell informed Jones he intends to sue the FBI to obtain more information about the bombing attempt, including the identity of the M.I.O.

Jones unreeled quite a lot of nonsense during his interview of Haskell. He said there are "over a million Americans" on the No Fly list (there are about 400,000 people on the list). He said Abdulmutallab's dad went to the U.S. embassy "repeatedly" (he went once or twice) to report that his son was "training with terrorists in Yemen" (he said only that he was concerned his son could be involved with radicalized Muslims).
Jones said, "Witnesses report someone videotaping the whole flight, aimed at the underwear bomber..."
This has been reported by numerous alternative news outlets and YouTube users, but the incident behind it is a little less than astonishing. A young mother named Patricia Keepman merely told the media that a man in her section of the plane (about 20 seats behind Abdulmutallab) was using his videocamera during the flight. Keepman did not know what he was filming, as he didn't seem to be aiming the camera at any particular person, so she assumed it was the man's first flight and thought little of it.
As this person has not been identified, it's entirely possible he was recording his flight for posterity. There would be little sense in videotaping the back of Abdulmutallab's head from a distance for surveillance purposes.

It's commendable - hell, necessary - to demand the truth when we feel it's being concealed. If there was a "well-dressed man" and/or a "man in orange" involved with the underwear bomber, we have a right to know about that. But there is no need whatsoever to manhandle the facts to suit our own preconceived notions about what happened. To date, there is zero evidence that Umar Abdulmutallab was an MI5 agent or an American government patsy. There is zero evidence that he had an accomplice or "handler" on the flight, or that he was being filmed. There is zero evidence that Abdulmutallab is anything other than what he claims to be: An angry man who wanted revenge, and believed he was acting in the interest of Islam.

Friday, December 23, 2011

2 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: The Christmas tree bailout of '11

On November 10, Infowars announced a "15-cent stealth tax on all fresh Christmas trees", which would apply to Christmas tree sellers who move more than 500 trees per year. And as with all federal stealth taxes, the consumer will end up paying "double or triple the levy". That's 45 extra cents for your tree, people! 45 cents! It's like the New World Order is breaking into your home at Christmastime and raping your pockets!

Oh wait, never mind. The very first link in the article itself reveals that the Obama administration squashed the crippling tree tax.

But that doesn't mean there wasn't a pizza bailout of '11! Dairy lobbyists got the ball rolling on that one, but author Patrick Henningsen expects "pizza lobbyists" to be demanding bailouts on a regular basis from now on.

I don't know if there are any pizza lobbyists, but I do know that one young American couple of my acquaintance owns a Domino's franchise. They're just the kind of hard-working, middle-class, salt-of-the-earth people that Alex Jones continuously praises. Perhaps because of that pizza bailout, they get to stay in business and continue raising their family.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: The FBI staged Patty Hearst photos

On his July 5/10 broadcast, Jones declared it has now been declassified that the infamous images of Patty Hearst holding guns and robbing banks were all scripted and stage-managed by the FBI. That's all he had to say. No details. No sources.
A Joseph Cannon story re-posted on Infowars a year earlier doesn't mention anything about this new, declassified information that blows the lid off the Hearst kidnapping - in spite of the incredibly misleading Infowars headline "SLA Worked for The Man". Cannon simply wrote that trial transcripts and books on the case reveal "many indicators that the tale has always had a hidden side." That's quite true - the SLA case has always been crazy weird - but Cannon makes the waters even murkier by badly mangling the facts. For one thing, Hearst did name Kathleen Soliah (AKA Sara Jane Olson) as a participant in the Crocker bank robbery in her memoir Every Secret Thing. This was not something she invented after Soliah's arrest, as Cannon states. His article basically just rehashes the theories of the late conspiracy doyenne Mae Brussel, without offering up any new information. This is the only SLA-related story on Infowars.

That's because there isn't any new, declassified information. The Hearst story has remained fundamentally the same on all sides since it occurred. When Soliah went to trial, her attorneys tried to get testimony from a former SLA member who claimed that Hearst wasn't raped as she claimed, and that she had expressed enthusiasm for robbing banks and such. This man, Jack Scott, died of cancer before his testimony could be recorded. And that's pretty much the extent of the "new information" that has come out about Hearst since SLA days. The FBI hasn't released any new documents on the case... um, ever. If the SLA and/or the kidnapping were in any way engineered by the FBI, that has yet to be proven.

As an aside, I'd like to point out that the SLA murdered Oakland's first black school superintendent, Dr. Marcus Foster. Their stated reason for shooting him eight times with cyanide-tipped bullets? They believed his (withdrawn) support for school ID cards was some sort of sinister CIA plot to keep tabs on schoolchildren.
If that notion sounds familiar, maybe it's because you've heard virtually the same thing from Alex Jones and Infowars on many occasions...

"Mark of the Beast Rears its Head in Pennsylvania"

"Mark of the Beast? Electronic skin tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses"

"Thumb Scanning Sheeple"

"Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs are No Longer Conspiracy Theories"

"Emergency Alert - Stop the NEW Real ID - S.1261 - the PASS Act"

"Still Ridiculing People Who Talk About Forced Microchip Implants?"

"Texas Plans to Implement REAL ID in 2013"

"A National ID Card for American Citizens? Get Ready - the Real ID Act Goes into Effect on May 11"

"Interpol chief calls for global electronic identity card system"

"Florida School Installs Fingerprint Scanners on Buses"

"Biometric ID Checks on School Children as Young as Four"

"Disney's Finger Scan Upgrade Raises Privacy Concerns"

"Just Say NO to Biometric Tyranny and DNA Databases"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

4 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Hitler was on the MI5 payroll

Jones declared this in a November 2009 broadcast. Somehow, he confused Hitler with Mussolini (who was on the MI5 payroll early in his career, during WWI). Wrong country, wrong dictator, wrong decade. Other than that, he was 100% right.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Israel was behind the Norway massacre

Jones and the Infowars crew declared, hours after Anders Breivik's rampage, that the whole thing was a false flag terror operation headed by globalists, as an excuse to crack down on white, anti-banker activists. But Infowars was happy to leave the door open for other stupid, unsupported theories.

In a piece was re-posted to Infowars, Jones's frequent guest Wayne Madsen wrote that because Breivik was reportedly a fan of Pamela Geller's blog, this all but proves he was part of an Israeli Mossad operation to take over... well, pretty much everything.
He writes, "Because our police forces in America, New Zealand, Norway, Britain, Sweden, Denmark, France, Canada, Australia and elsewhere are infiltrated with Mossad sayanim, katsas, and jumper katsas, we must take it upon ourselves to expose these agents, publicize their names, turn the disinfectant of sunshine on their subterranean operations, and generally, make life miserable for them."

Pamela Geller (a leading opponent of the "Ground Zero Mosque") had informed us that while, yes, Breivik's behaviour was monstrous, the Liberal-sponsored youth camp he targeted was an "indoctrination camp run by Norway’s ruling Labor Party for up-and-coming children of the ruling elite".
This was also pointed by Alex Jones's ideological twin, Glenn Beck, on his radio show. As reported by The Telegraph, Beck said: "There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like, you know, the Hitler youth. I mean, who does a camp for kids that's all about politics? Disturbing."
He made a point of adding that a Republican youth camp would also be disturbing. I guess his fact-checker took the year day off, and couldn't tell him about this. It's a little creepy, sure, but "Hitler youth"?

Madsen seemed confident of his wild-ass guess, but to most people Geller's callous post does not in any way indicate Mossad involvement in Breivik's crimes. The desire to believe was there, but the evidence simply wasn't.

Then, four days ago, Prison Planet re-posted this article from YNet: "Swedish professor links Israel to Norway massacre". The title sounds pretty solid, right? But the article itself shows us only a "hint" of some possible link. The professor brings no actual evidence to the table.

Keep trying, guys. Sooner or later, if you keep going in this direction, you'll be the Jew-haters you seem to aspire to be.

Monday, December 19, 2011

6 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Ron Paul's racism has been debunked

Ron Paul supporters often tell me it simply doesn't matter that for two decades, Ron Paul's newsletters cranked out bizarre and alarmist stories about race wars, blacks taking over white neighbourhoods with their drugs and their random violence, the "gay agenda", and the political liability that blacks have become.*
"He's not really racist," they tell me. "He didn't even know those articles were being written." They say that anyone who still makes an issue of it should be ashamed, because there is no issue and there never really was. Paul apologized and took some of the blame, so now we should just erase it from our minds.

Paul Joseph Watson makes all these arguments, and some others, in today's Infowars piece "Gingrich-Linked Propagandist Recycles Debunked 'Racist' Ron Paul Smear".

To this day, we don't know who wrote the racist articles published in Ron Paul's newsletters, because no one has taken credit/blame for them, and Ron Paul apparently doesn't know who it was (Lew Rockwell is the prime suspect, though).
That in itself is a problem, because a man who wants to run an entire country should have the organizational skills to know what's being published under his name. If I had a newsletter going out to people all over the country, I wouldn't let one stamp touch them until I at had least skimmed the latest issue. I realize Dr. Paul was a busy dude in the '70s, '80s, and '90s, but there's really no excuse for allowing your staff to publish bizarre racist screeds under your name with your consent. Even to this day, Paul claims he doesn't know who was writing what. Doesn't that seem negligent at best, and dishonest at worst? I don't blame Ron Paul for the screwy stuff that gets posted to the Daily Paul forums, because cleaning those up would be like clearing the Aegean stables. I don't fault him for the fact that the American Free Press, a rag established by white supremacists, prints his column; AFP pays him for syndication, and like most columnists who are in syndication, he doesn't pick and choose the publications in which his work appears. But I do blame him for failing to monitor his newsletter more closely. All of this has to make you wonder how many other bucks Paul has passed.

Look at this way: If I welcomed a group of other bloggers to contribute to Leaving Alex Jonestown, and they began posting stuff like "Alex Jones Can Suck My Big Hairy Balls Becuz He Is a Faggot" (that's an actual YouTube comment, BTW), wouldn't you be offended and annoyed with me? I think you'd have every right to be. Clearly, I was shirking my responsibilities and allowing the lunatics to run the asylum.

I'm approaching this from the best-case scenario angle, the one that says Ron Paul simply had some racist associates and let them have too much control over his publications. The worst-case scenario is, well, worse. In that one, Ron Paul did write some or all of the content for some reason (to appeal to a certain demographic, or to convince constituents that he would keep them safe from the invading non-white hordes, or whatever), then lied about it. I would prefer not to think that of Paul. He doesn't seem like a racist. A touch homophobic, certainly, but not the kind of guy who's going to make fun of Kwanzaa or use the phrase "nappy-haired hos" in casual conversation.
Let's face it, though: If we don't know who wrote the stuff, that means we don't know who wrote the stuff. Nothing has been debunked in the newsletter affair.

* There's really no dispute that some of the newsletter content was racist and disparaging of minorities. An unidentified author referred to Martin Luther King Jr. day as "Hate Whitey Day". Another wrote, "Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities." That's fine for a southern newsletter put out by a "League for Racial Purity", but it's not acceptable for a U.S. president.
Check out loads more of the newsletter content at Et tu, Mr. Destructo?.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

7 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Robot Ebola Copters

On his August 2/11 broadcast, Jones went into a rant rant in response to a caller who despaired for the future (how could you not be miserable, if you believe everything you hear from Alex Jones?), and said something about "robot helicopters spraying airborne Ebola" to kill us all. The story must be at least three years old, because he cited his source as the Sunshine Project, which shut down in 2008. The SP kept tabs on the latest biochem and nonlethal weapons technology. The website's last update was posted in October 2007.

Jones was possibly referring to this document, the outline for a presentation given to the Airline Pilots Association by the DoD's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program in 2001. It's pretty bizarre. The JNLW proposes using commercial aircraft to spray immobilizing agents or other chemicals onto battlefields, unruly mobs, or what-have-you. There's even a proposal for using nonlethals to knock out plane passengers, presumably in a hijacking situation. If you combine the notions of planes spraying nonlethal chemicals onto crowds and drone aircraft monitoring crowds, you could surmise that drone aircraft will soon be dumping chemicals. But "airborne Ebola"? First of all, there's no such thing. This is clearly a reference to the infamous comments made by University of Texas-Austin professor Eric Pianka back in 2006, one of Jones's favourite bits of "evidence" that They are plotting to wipe out all but 1% of the world's population. I've discussed this before. The bottom line is that Pianka is a herpetologist, not a biochemist, and he was referring to a naturally occurring (not to mention fictional) strain of Ebola.

Ebola is easily transmitted, has a high kill rate (50-89%), and can't be cured. So if They did get their hands on an airborne strain, it's unlikely They would be reckless enough to spray this particular virus on their own turf. After releasing it into the open air, They would have to cower in underground bunkers for months, if not years.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

8 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: White Rastafarian Nazis who are probably gay

Two years ago, Jones had this to say about college environmentalists:

"You can go to any university and see the people with their Rasta fake hair, the wannabe white Rastafarians and their sandals and their patchouli, going, 'It's what we gotta do for the earth', and I just wanna knock their Nazi teeth in. Don't you understand the Nazis have fake Rasta hair, with limp wrists...they're walking around in coffeeshops actin' real cool, and I just wanna knock their teeth out...I WANNA CRUSH YOUR SKULL! Because I'm just a normal mammal...I'm a normal...[pause for thought] creature that when I see innocence being torn apart, my instinct as a warrior is to stand up and fight."

Friday, December 16, 2011

9 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: "Squidbillies" is Pentagon propaganda

I know it's unfair of me to keep bringing this up, but I just can't help it. It's such a classic (and hilarious) example of how Jones can turn anything, even a goofy 15-minute cartoon about anthropomorphic squids, into "government propaganda".

Thursday, December 15, 2011

10 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Your friend's nervous breakdowns are good for business

"I've already been on MSNBC today, and I'm on a whole bunch of stuff coming up tonight. And obviously, we'll be able to inject into the discussion when I'm on those broadcasts, and the people will come here and find the larger picture. It's kind of the red pill. Thanks to Charlie Sheen." - Alex Jones (Feb. 25/11 broadcast)

Is the glass still half-full if it's half-full of your buddy's tears?
Throughout Sheen's manic episode, or crack bender, or whatever the hell it was, Jones milked the media cow like a fiend. He insisted that Sheen was 100% clean and sober, never better. Whatta pal.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

11 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Droning on about drones

I figured the title alone would make this video a crazy notion - one use of a Predator drone in U.S. airspace is not exactly a Crisis of Epic Proportions. And I don't quite understand the alternative media's obsession with drone aircraft. Is a drone really worse (ethically speaking) than a manned bomber? If you kill civilians by remote control or by hand, aren't they just as dead?
But it turns out that drones are just the beginning. This video is bursting at the electronic seams with crazy notions...

1. Goldman Sachs runs the world now. I really hope he's not being literal here. I'm afraid he is, though. Later he talks about the "banker takeover".
2. Cattle rustling is illegal, but not really. Jones would do well to stick to the ostensible topic, but he can't help throwing in a mini-sermon about common law, pointing out that cattle rustling isn't against the law if the cattle somehow find their own way onto your property and damage it. Defending blatantly criminal activities is not the best way to make a point, particularly when you're supposed to be defending Constitutional rights.
3. Americans are the #1 enemy of law enforcement and the government. "Self-sufficient country boys" are their primary target. Jones says helicopter and camera surveillance is already common in rural areas. This is just another expression of his Persecution of Patriots meme, which is utterly unconvincing, NDAA notwithstanding. The government could not possibly care less about your victory gardens, water filtration systems, and backup generators. You can be self-sufficient until the cows literally come home, and I guarantee that you won't attract attention beyond the staff room of Mother Jones magazine. Jones doesn't realize the self-contradiction here; if the government is persecuting small farmers, why in the hell would local police be allowed the use of a drone to track down small-time cattle rustlers?
4. The U.S. gave Libya to Al Qaeda. Yes, Al Qaeda is present in Libya, but it has no part in the leadership of the revolutionary forces. That's not to say this isn't a possibility. It just hasn't happened. I'm sure Al Qaeda would like to be in control of Libya, but it has not yet had the opportunity.
5. NORTHCOM is the real government. This is just another expression of the military-industrial complex/permanent war economy meme. But it sounds stupid when you put it that way. Like every other government agency, NORTHCOM is a hostage to Congress. If you don't get the funding, you die. And technically speaking, there's nothing to stop Congress from slowly starving NORTHCOM to death. Whether they ever do so or not is up to you, the voter.
6. "I knew ten years ago we would have TSA checkpoints." He's talking about highway checkpoints. WTF.

The Russia Today anchorwoman is nearly as bad, scoffing at the idea that Jones has been branded a conspiracy theorist (LOL), and at the notion that high technology would be used to retrieve cattle. Did she miss the part of the CGI recreation in which it was explained that the police wanted to find out if the men had guns, so as to avoid an armed conflict that could have cost human lives? Guess all that mascara made her blink.

12 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Mass shootings are never what they seem, unless leftists perpetrate them

Jones has yet to unreel any wacky theories about today's events in Belgium, but let's review what he and the Infowars crew had to say about a few other crazed gunmen (usually within hours of their attacks):

James von Brunn, the Holocaust Museum shooter, the deranged geriatric racist who shot and killed security guard Stephen Johns: The attack was part of a government "Valkyrie takeover drill", and von Brunn was probably either blackmailed or persuaded to shoot the security guards by the Anti-Defamation League.

Rod Ansell, the inspiration for Crocodile Dundee, who ambushed police and killed officer Glen Huitson in 1999: He was a victim of police tyranny. "First they took away his guns, then they shot him." (Clearly, no one took away his guns. While Australia's gun laws are extreme, Ansell was not a martyr and should definitely not be a poster boy for gun ownership.)

Anders Breivik: He was a patsy. The whole thing was a globalist false flag attack designed to "destroy political opposition to the bankers". This was Kurt Nimmo's second theory. His first was that Al Qaeda would be blamed.
Jones claims he predicted this attack with his criticism of some Department of Homeland Security videos.

Pretty much every single school shooting: The gunmen went out of their minds after taking SSRIs (antidepressants). This ignores the fact that many of the worst school massacres, including the worst one in American history, occurred long before these drugs were on the market. For instance, a California vice principal killed five of his colleagues and injured a sixth in 1940.
Jones once stated, "We didn't have these school shootings until 1988, when Prozac came out." At one point, Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars actually tried to pin Mark Chapman's murder of John Lennon on Prozac...which wasn't even available until two years after Lennon's death.

Interestingly, when manic environmentalist James Lee rampaged through the offices of the Discovery Channel in 2010, Jones was perfectly okay with the mainstream media's version of events.

Monday, December 12, 2011

13 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: What Happens at Gun Shows

"When you drive in it's a big Homeland Security scan. Then when you get out, they normally got a camera mounted on the roof. They get a face scan, then a satellite - I'm not kidding - dials in if they've got the sat time (that's why they're launching hundreds more to do this), then they get your heat resonance. They're using the gun shows to get your heat resonance, uh...uh...uh...heat resonance biometric body print, to then track. It's done in Iraq, as well. It's a total grid. You're now uploaded to the sat grid so they can track you from space by your heat resonance pattern. How do you like that?" - Alex Jones (Dec. 7/09 broadcast)

I have no idea where Jones picked up these factoids. There is indeed a lot of infrared satellite tracking going on, but it's being used to detect missiles. Infrared satellites cannot pick out individual people, because we don't give off enough heat. And what would be the point, anyway? If They have your photo and license plate number, there would be very little need to track you from space just to find out where you stash your guns.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

14 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: "Goldman Sachs dictatorship: Hitler's dream"

Yes, Hitler longed for a firm established by Jews to control the world.

This bit of WTFery comes from a quirky anti-Bilderberg/anti-fascist, Bible-thumping commentator by the name of Tony Gosling, via the Russia Today clip below. To be fair, Gosling does not actually specify Goldman Sachs; that headline was added by Russia Today and posted to the headline news feed on Infowars.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

15 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: CERN scientists want to commune with elves

This is Santa's brain.
Any questions?

For over two years now, I have been trying to figure out what the hell Jones means when he says The Matrix was based on actual government plans. I think I first heard him mention this on the Feb. 20/09 broadcast. After interviewing Lt. Col. Greg Hapgood of the Iowa National Guard, Jones declared twice that The Matrix was based on military documents. He said the government has plans to raise humans from birth in tanks, just like the vats of strawberry Jell-O in The Matrix. (To be honest, if I had the choice between living in a vat or living on Morpheus's ship, I'd take the vat. That ship makes Das Boot look like a freakin' spa. Apparently, there will not be household cleaning products in the future.)

After declaring this at least half a dozen more times, Jones finally gave his source: A 1958 Pentagon paper. He didn't give any other specifics, but he did say the paper involves microchips, which were brand-spanking-new at that time. While I still couldn't find the document, I did find a reference from another Pentagon paper released in the late '50s that indicates the Pentagon might not have had the most realistic expectations when it came to computer tech. It envisioned a computerized "troop-carrying missile" that could "loop through outer space" and deliver an entire platoon of troops 500 miles behind enemy lines with pinpoint accuracy, all in the time it takes to deliver a pizza.
Somebody was smokin' the good stuff.

Listening to Jones' June 2009 interview of David Icke, I heard Jones refer again to that elusive military document. But this time he said the paper was written in 1968, not '58, and declassified in 2000. He said the paper mentions civilians living in vats full of styrofoam packing material or something.
Knowing how Jones mixes up his facts, I realized this "military document" could be a chef's manual on how to store the leftovers from a Pentagon pig roast, and just gave up.

"This is what the government's into, folks! They're taking the DMT. They've got the black op commanders gobbling high-powered hallucinogens, I don't even get into all this stuff."

I have no idea what he's talking about, here. Military commanders tripping out on the government's dime? What would be the point of that? Performance-enhancing drugs, sure, but hallucinogens just wouldn't make any sense. Back in the '50s, '60s and early '70s, the CIA tested a vast array of psychoactive drugs on soldiers, mental patients, johns, and just about anyone else who came within arm's reach. But that was before LSD was fully understood, when some researchers still hoped it was some kind of wonder drug that could boost cognitive function, cure mental illnesses, and work as a truth serum. Today, most of us realize it can't do any of those things.

And no, Bildergergers were not "jacking DMT 70 years ago." Like all other psychotropic drugs, it didn't become popular in a recreational way until the late '60s, and it never took off the way LSD did. For an understanding of why that is, take a look at this charming video, in which a DMT user explains how she squirted DMT up her butt to avoid all the hideous side effects of ingesting it orally. DMT users have to strap on diapers and position themselves close to a toilet or other receptacle. This is not a club drug. Take a look at the 1950s-early 1960s attendance lists for Bilderberg meetings and tell me if you think any of these guys were tripping balls and wearing diapers. Maybe Dean Acheson and David Rockefeller were partying Hunter Thompson style, but I doubt it.

Anyway, on to those "clockwork elves". Jones is obviously referring to the late Terence McKenna's machine elves, the insectoid images that appear to many people during DMT trips. McKenna never implied that these were real elves that you could go and visit in a parallel dimension or anything; he was just putting a name to the freaky shit he saw on DMT, kind of like an ornithologist naming a new bird. Of course, this doesn't stop people from taking McKenna really, really literally. Some DMT users suspect machine elves are aliens, or ultradimensional entities, or souls of the dead.

But physicists at CERN? I dunno. I'm guessing that if you walked up to a CERN scientist and said, "Hey, I hear you guys are using the LHC to commune with elves!", he/she would summon security immediately, thinking some lunatic had wandered into the facility.

Friday, December 9, 2011

16 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Egyptian History and Math Lesson

There's nothing I can say about this one that isn't painfully obvious, so just watch and cringe (and don't worry, Jones was not having a stroke).

Thursday, December 8, 2011

17 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Boy Scouts are trained to kill veterans

As with the last Crazy Notion, this one is a matter of interpretation. It's not that Boy Scout Explorers in some parts of the U.S. aren't being trained to take out bad guys, because that's really happening. But they aren't being trained to shoot veterans. They're mostly being trained to shoot Mexicans. In the 2009 New York Times article that first exposed this, a California Explorer-Scout troop took part in an exercise in which an Iraqi war vet takes hostages and has to be apprehended. But a Border Patrol agent baldly admitted that what they're trying to do is recruit young people to man the border and git those durned immigrants. In my opinion, the domestic terror drills are a blind. Border Patrol generally doesn't handle such incidents. They just don't want people to accuse them of training kids to hunt down illegals, because that's exactly what they're doing.

Once again, Jones has tried to hijack an ethnic issue and turn it into a plank in his Persecution of Patriots paranoia platform. The DHS, the U.S. military, TSA, and countless other federal agencies have made life very rough for Mexicans and Middle Eastern immigrants... but in Alex Jonestown, it's mostly about white people.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

18 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: ZOMG FEMA CAMPS NOW

Jones has been fretting about U.S. Patriots being dumped into concentration camps since... well, always. And today Infowars has issued a special alert about imminent mass detention of the New World Order's greatest enemy: Paranoid white people. Forget about all the Arabs in Gitmo or the Mexican illegals in privatized prisons. Let's just worry that a guy with deer antlers strapped to his truck might get pulled over and indefinitely detained because of his Ron Paul bumper sticker. That's reasonable.

This latest red alert is based on a KBR document supposedly leaked to Infowars by a government employee who wishes to remain anonymous. At first glance, it appears to be a call for contract proposals related to KBR's formation of a "National Quick Response Team". The projects will involve designing, constructing, maintaining and servicing camps that can hold 300-1000 people, ostensibly in emergency situations.

There are some problems with Kurt Nimmo's and Jones's interpretation of the document. It was sent from Kentucky procurement counselor Bobbi Carlton to Bob Siefert, manager of KBR's Houston office, on the morning of November 16. Yet Nimmo and Jones state, "KBR’s call for FEMA camp service bids arrives soon after the Senate overwhelmingly passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which permits the military to detain and interrogate supposed domestic terror suspects in violation of the Fourth Amendment and Posse Comitatus."
The 2012 NDAA passed the Senate on November 29. This subcontracting document, if genuine, did not "arrive soon after" the NDAA. And as of this date, the act is still sitting in the House.

This is just one minor example of Jones's FEMA camp panic, which is a component of his Persecution of Patriots panic. He tells us that he, as a U.S. Patriot, may be shut down at any minute (actually, he expanded operations this year with the introduction of his subscription Infowars Nightly News service). Before Obama was even in office, Jones was telling Ron Paul and his audience that this is the president who will probably have him killed; a Muslim extremist itching to usher in the persecution of white people. (Nov. 5/08 broadcast)
Infowars "reporter" Aaron Dykes tells us that the Department of Homeland Security, "empowered to fight terrorism, has instead been turned against the American people, targeting returning veterans, Tea Partiers, Constitutionalists, Federal Reserve activists, and more". Yet there is not a single Tea Partier, U.S. vet, Constitutionalist, or anti-Fed activist in Gitmo. Not one has been the victim of extraordinary rendition, handed over to a foreign country to be tortured, nor been detained indefinitely without charge.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

19 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: When fighting the New World Order, pretend you're beating up a beloved Christmas figure

"Every punch we throw lands right on the end of the New World Order's nose, and it's like Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer with blood spraying out in both directions." - Alex Jones, Nov. 22/09 broadcast

20 Crazy Notions til Christmas: DynCorp runs child trafficking rings worldwide

DynCorp trafficks in abducted children everywhere it goes (i.e., almost everywhere on the planet). This is something Alex Jones has said over, and over, and over again. For instance, 4 minutes and 6 seconds into the video below he states, "DynCorp runs child kidnapping child rings worldwide..."

As you probably know, several men contracted to DynCorp did engage in human trafficking while working in Bosnia, selling women and girls as young as 12 to each other and smuggling them into places of prostitution. This is extremely common in war-torn and conflict-ridden areas. The first people to move in are always the predatory ones.
By all accounts, DynCorp's response to the problem was to ignore it and sweep it under the rug.
The activities of the DynCorp men were exposed by two other DynCorp employees. One of them, Kathryn Bolkovac, wrote about her experiences with DynCorp in Bosnia in her book The Whistleblower (adapted into a film of the same name). What follows is drawn from that book. Some of the information in Bolkovac's book is substantiated, but much of it is hearsay or rumour. I include here only the most serious allegations.
The problem of sex trafficking in post-Yugoslavia Bosnia, and the international community's hamfisted efforts to deal with it, are also covered in the 2002 BBC documentary Boys Will Be Boys.

What Happened in Bosnia

As part of the UN peacekeeping effort in Bosnia, several countries contributed police officers or military personnel to the International Police Task Force (since replaced by the European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The U.S. decided to send contract workers, and contracted DynCorp to do the job. Police officers were recruited to sign on with DynCorp, then assigned to various cities in Bosnia. These workers were known as monitors. In addition to providing IPTF monitors, DynCorp held other contracts in Bosnia.

- In October 2000, several women and girls reported to the IPTF station in Doboj that they had been smuggled into Bosnia from other countries and forced to become prostitutes. They described in detail an unstated number of "clients", including members of the IPTF. The investigation into these allegations was dropped for unknown reasons, and the monitors were apparently never identified.
- In December 2000, a colleague of Bolkovac, in casual conversation, told her he had purchased a girl from a local trafficker in order to rescue her from a life of prostitution. He had wanted to marry the girl, and was sad that she had run away. This man saw nothing wrong with his actions, so he freely confessed to his superiors. Rather than being fired and prosecuted, he was simply repatriated to the U.S.
- A Spanish IPTF station commander in Doboj had a relationship with a 17-year-old trafficking victim. This man was not with DynCorp.

Ben Johnston, a DynCorp contract employee stationed in the Bosnian city of Tuzla, made even graver allegations. He alleged that some of his supervisors and colleagues were trafficking in teenage girls (ages 12-15) purchased from the Serbian mafia. His site supervisor, John Hirtz, admittedly videotaped himself having intercourse with two of these girls. DynCorp worker Kevin Werner admitted to "buying" at least one prostitute from a bar owner.
Johnston reported these crimes to his DynCorp superiors late in 2000, and nothing was done. So he went to the Army Criminal Division. Military police raided the DynCorp hangar where Johnston worked and found evidence supporting Johnston's allegations. Though the contract workers had immunity, the Army could have waived it and prosecuted the men under the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000. It chose not to do that. The case was left in the hands of DynCorp and Bosnian law enforcement. Hirtz and Werner were repatriated to the U.S. without being prosecuted.

Both Bolkovac and Johnston claimed they were wrongfully dismissed by DynCorp because of their whistleblowing.

The Bottom Line

So what happened is that several DynCorp contract employees, on their own time, decided to purchase human trafficking victims from the Serbian mob and Bosnian brothels. They were not the only "peacekeepers" to do so at that time; IPTF members from other countries were also involved, men who were not working for DynCorp. Since then, no other people contracted to work for DynCorp have been accused of human trafficking. The only remotely similar allegation, revealed by Wikileaks, is that some DynCorp workers in Afghanistan hired young male prostitutes known as "dancing boys".
You can certainly say that in the Bosnian affair, DynCorp was criminally negligent at best and criminally complicit at worst. You can certainly say that sex trafficking is a grievous, worldwide problem that has not yet been appropriately addressed. You can certainly say that military contracting is a shitty idea that isn't working out at all. But it is the men themselves who should ultimately bear responsibility for their alleged crimes in Bosnia. Saying DynCorp trafficks in children is like saying that since Jeffrey Dahmer worked at the Ambrosia Chocolate Factory, Ambrosia Chocolate kills gay men.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

21 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: Pasteurization is a Scam

Death & Cookies

On his May 16/10 broadcast, Alex Jones declared that drinking pasteurized milk causes heart attacks, and pasteurization is a scam.

This bit of nonsense isn't original to Alex Jones, though he should have said "homogenization" instead. He probably picked this up from raw milk promoters who insist that homogenization and pasteurization render milk less nutritious, if not downright hazardous, or from the vegans and whole food folks who will try to convince you that all milk is dangerous (this weird little factoid sheet even tells us that feeding pasteurized milk to any living creature is "abuse").

A few of these people contend that drinking cows' milk radically increases your risks of heart disease, not because it's high in cholesterol, but because homogenization supposedly allows a certain enzyme to be absorbed into the bloodstream to wreak havoc. For example, vegan Keith Nemec claims the enzyme xanthine oxidase is digested in the stomach when it is present in raw milk. But if the milk has been homogenized, the enzyme is encased by fat globules that can pass undigested into the blood, adhering to artery walls and becoming abrasive. The body repairs the abrasions with cholesterol, resulting in atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Therefore, xanthine oxidase from pasteurized milk products is a significant cause of heart disease in the U.S.
This concern has been around for a while (it first surfaced in the '60s), but research has yet to find a link between homogenized milk and cardiovascular disease (see, for instance, this 1983 article from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).

No one except Jones contends that pasteurization contributes in any way to heart problems; he obviously confused homogenization with pasteurization. There is nothing in the pasteurization process that could possibly make milk more harmful than raw milk. Most of the milk you buy in U.S. stores has been pasteurized with the High Temperature/Short Time (HTST) method, meaning the raw milk was evenly heated to a temperature of 161 °F (71.7 °C) for 15–20 seconds, then rapidly cooled.
This simple process kills nearly all pathogens in the milk, making it not only safer to drink, but longer-lasting as well. It is no way a "scam". $8 jugs of unpasteurized milk strike me as a bit on the scammy side, though. Even if the cows are grass-fed and raised in hygienic conditions, raw milk may contain yeast, mold, fecal matter, and bacteria, including Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia pestis, and Campylobacter. It can also transmit TB, scarlet fever, diphtheria, Q fever, and brucellosis.

According to the CDC, raw milk products were behind 86 outbreaks of food poisoning between 1998 and 2008, causing 1,676 illnesses and two deaths.
But the number of deaths may actually be much higher than two. This 2008 article in AAP News (the in-house publication of the American Association of Pediatrics) lists seven raw milk deaths in the U.S. between 2000 and 2005. Five deaths resulted from Listeria in four states (Texas, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and New York) and two resulted from Mycobacterium bovis in New York and Maryland. Of the 473 people affected in 19 cases, 66 had to be hospitalized. This starkly contradicts the raw milk cheerleaders who tell you no one has been harmed by raw milk. Yet this Natural News story re-posted to Infowars in November claims the CDC admitted there have been zero U.S. deaths related to raw milk consumption since 2001. Who's right? That will have to be sorted out by someone else. What I can tell you is that raw milk is reportedly making people very sick. Just last month, five children in California were infected by E. coli after drinking dairy from Organic Pastures, the country's largest producer of raw milk. Three of the kids were hospitalized with hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Though the children lived in four different counties, had the same strain of E. coli, and all drank Organic Pastures products, owner Mark McAfee insists his milk had nothing to do with it.
Between 2006 and 2008, the California Department of Food and Agriculture issued three recalls of Organic Pastures products containing Campylobacter, E. coli, and Listeria.

Raw milk articles re-posted to Infowars, such as this one by Karen De Coster, leave readers with the impression that They are staging a tyrannical war against the sale of raw milk products. In reality, the majority of states (30) allow it despite all the known health risks.

Comments on Infowars indicate that Jones's fans are on the raw milk/anti-pasteurization bandwagon. Take this comment posted on December 2 by "Luke 10 18":

The largest cause of the disease process you know as diabetes is pasteurized and ultra pasteurized homogenized FAKE ASS FACTORY milk BECAUSE bovine serum albumin fragments aka what you are left with when you heat something past it’s mp melting point AND CRUSH IT OS HOMOGENIZE IT AND DESTROY ANY REMAINING BENEFICIAL FAT CO ENZYMES OR VITAMINS AND CO FACTORS ALL THE BIO AVAILABLE ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT ACTIVATORS. in healing arts practitioners circles it’s called autoimmune DIABETES. A diet VERY HIGH IN certified RAW organic grass fed CREAM and pure butterfat whether from reindeer cow sheep goat buffalo or camels are the only stable fuels for your brain and body. anybody pushing anything else on your BODY is really a nobody uh huh that’s right oh no!!!

Luke 10:18 also claims that soy products cause premature baldness and infertility, and opines that women who feed soy-based formula to their babies should be publicly executed.

Before leaping onto the raw milk bandwagon yourself, take a look at this scientific references page at Real Raw Milk Facts, and the CDC's information and links on raw milk products.

Friday, December 2, 2011

22 Crazy Notions 'til Christmas: "Even Hitler wouldn't bomb cities."

And now, a short history lesson from Alex Jones.

Jones contends that Nazi Germany didn't bomb cities (civilians, in other words) until Britain goaded them into it with the August 1940 bombing of Berlin. "Not saying Hitler's good. The point is, even Hitler wouldn't bomb cities."

So what can we learn from this, kids? Apparently, that Warsaw and Rotterdam were not bombed by Hitler in September 1939 and May 1940, respectively. Hitler didn't bomb cities until a British psy-op tricked him into it. Maybe Guernica was an Inside Job, and Picasso was a shill.