Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jones Spreads Swine Flu Panic and Misinformation

Jones had the nerve to say this about Swine Flu panic earlier in the week: "Man, there's a lot of media fear-mongering going on." He's right, of course, but he's one of the media outlets spreading the fear.

When it comes to health issues that are worrying millions upon millions of people, the media should be disseminating timely, factual information in a calm and straightforward manner, without exploiting the issues for political or religious purposes. Some media outlets have been doing just that. Others, particularly in the tabloid and alternative media, have been capitalizing on the fear and confusion. And Jones is definitely one of those. Steve Quayle provided so much misinformation and such bizarre religious invective on Monday's show that I'll have to devote my entire next post to him. Thus far, Jones and his "expert" guests have told his listeners that:

- Baxter Industries intentionally contaminated its flu vaccine with active Avian Flu virus. This could not have occurred by accident. There is no indication that the contamination of Baxter's flu virus was anything but an accident, and such accidents are entirely possible. With the number of vaccine doses being manufactured and shipped all over the world today, it's actually remarkable that such contamination doesn't occur more often.
However, if you want to villainize Baxter industries and inculcate fear of the pharmaceutical industry like Jones clearly does, last year's heparin incident would be a better example. That contamination was probably not accidental.

- Baxter is bidding to develop the Swine Flu vaccine. They will use this vaccine to wipe out a sizable percentage of the population. Inoculation will be involuntary. In the history of inoculation, no vaccine has killed more people than it has protected. There is no reason to suspect that the Swine Flu vaccine will be the first exception. There is no reason to believe that the Swine Flu will usher in an involuntary vaccination program, due to public resistance and the low rate of infection.

- The flu must have been deliberately released at different locations simultaneously, as the spread of the disease does not follow natural patterns. This is false. Diseases can and do break out simultaneously in widely separated parts of the world, thanks to high-speed air travel.

- An Air Force study "proposed" an Avian Flu pandemic for 2009 back in 1996. The Air Force said this pandemic would kill 30 million people. It's true that a hypothetical pandemic is included in the Air Force study Air Force 2025, a wildly ambitious report full of possible scenarios. In the report, the pandemic is listed as one of several disasters that could occur. It doesn't prop up Jones' theory that They are carrying out a global depopulation program, because the report estimates the world population as 8 billion in 2025 - hardly a reduction in our numbers.

- The Swine Flu could be a race-specific bioweapon. Again, there is absolutely no indication of this. It's irresponsible speculation at best.

- No health organization can be trusted. They're all in on it. Whatever their flaws, the CDC, WHO, and other health organizations are staffed by scientists and health professionals who have devoted their lives to the study and prevention of infectious disease and the promotion of health. They want to do their jobs well, and they certainly don't stand to benefit from a pandemic.

- The Swine Flu cannot be natural because God would never allow such a thing. It could only come from Lucifer. (Steve Quayle) If Steve Quayle wants to blame diseases on the devil, fine. That's his right. But is it necessary to encourage millions of listeners to revert to pre-scientific beliefs, rather than encourage them to approach the problem calmly and rationally?

- This "execution by injection" is a form of "esoteric murder, ritual Satanic deliverance of the innocents to death", timed to occur with the occult day, Cinco de Mayo. (Steve Quayle) I'll deal with this in the next post.

By comparison with this stuff, Ron Paul's public service announcement is a masterpiece of restraint and common sense. However, despite the fact that Paul is a medical doctor, his information is also deeply flawed. Out of approximately 40 million people who received the swine flu vaccine in 1976, only two or three deaths were reported - and they couldn't be confirmed as having been caused by the vaccine.

Even paranormal radio show Coast to Coast AM hasn't given in to speculation and sensationalism. Guest Dr. Marc Siegel (a licensed, practicing internist) assured last night's listeners that health organizations are being honest about the Swine Flu; that it's not a significant health threat at this time because your odds of getting it are remote, and it's not that deadly; that Swine Flu is unlikely to be a bioengineered disease; and that media coverage is overly alarmist. Check out Dr. Siegel's "The Most Powerful Virus is Fear Not Flu".

So far, not one of the "doctors" on Jones' show have been credible, responsible professionals. Dr. Bill Deagle was stripped of his Colorado license two years ago for overprescribing lethal cocktails of pain medication, and his sole visible means of support are a health-related online business called Nutrimedical and a radio show called The Nutrimedical Report. Rebecca Carley was stripped of her license for violent, threatening behaviour stemming from mental health problems, and because of her insistence (despite a complete lack of evidence) that vaccines cause a vast array of diseases that can be reversed only with her proprietary detox program. Steve Quayle isn't a medical professional at all; he's a former anthropologist and sociologist who has devoted most of his life to the study of Biblical giants.

So as you can see, the alternative media is spreading misinformation and panic in the same manner as the mainstream media outlets they criticize for fear-mongering. You probably won't be getting the facts from Jones' guests, every one of whom has given wildly inaccurate information. Not to mention, each has a strong religious, business-related, or ideological agenda. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from such manipulation?

1. Don't give in to panic. Panic can lead you to irrational decisions that might not be in your best interests.
2. Don't spread unverified, speculative factoids. This excellent article talks about the high costs of rumour-mongering, and offers some good tips on how to evaluate the credibility of sources. (thanks to TK)
3. Go ahead the take the advice of trusted health professionals. They're not out to get you; they want to prevent a pandemic just as much as you do.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Swine Flu: Jones Calls in the Experts

Jones naturally wants to prop up his assertion that the swine flu is an engineered bioweapon, so he's going to invite a couple of doctors on the show to give their expert opinions on how the flu developed. CDC officials? Epidemiologists? Research scientists with backgrounds in bioengineering?

No, Dr. Bill Deagle. The GP who lost his Colorado medical license for killing a patient with painkillers. The dude who believes he is one of the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelations. The dude who says the Forbidden Zones in the U.S. will soon be patrolled by Modified Attack Baboons with Nano-Armor and dinosaur clones. The dude who's working to develop a Rife machine. The dude who believes the 1918 flu was bioengineered. The dude who says he was invited to help invent AIDS and rule the world. That's just the tip of his crazy iceberg; read my post "The World of Dr. Deagle" for more information.

The other expert Jones is going to have on the show: Rebecca Carley, who I recently covered here. She is not allowed to practice medicine because of her mental instability and her refusal to seek treatment. She believes that a coalition of Freemasons, Satanists, and practicing doctors are suppressing her detox cure for autism and cancer. As an anti-vaccine hysteric, she insists upon re-classifying diseases as autoimmune disorders caused by vaccines without doing any real research whatsoever.

Ask yourself: If any rational, credible, licensed doctors supported these conspiracy theories about Swine Flu, wouldn't Jones invite them on the show?

Jones on the "No Planers"

From Friday's broadcast: "My experience with no planers was people who looked like they were drunk, screamin' and yelling, dancing around half naked, vomiting on street corners in front of news cameras, in what looked like a set-up to make 9/11 Truth look bad."

Alex, Alex, Alex...

No one needs to make 9/11 Truth look bad. Truthers do that all on their own. Even many of the more "mainstream" Truthers insist upon associating with Holocaust deniers, making bizarre and insupportable accusations, and ranting about Zionism or Freemasons. And let's not even go into the Truthers who demand full disclosure of the government's role in reverse-engineering UFO technology, or the Truthers who subscribe to fundamentalist Christian lunacy, or the Truthers who think that zero point energy is being suppressed, or the Truthers who freak out at the mere mention of the word "tapwater".

In short, the Powers that Be don't have to hire unemployed actors to pose as Truthers and make asses of themselves in public when you guys obligingly do it for free on a regular basis. You're making Their job so much easier than it has to be.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Of Molehills and Mermaids: The Very Screwed-up World of Mark Dice

Okay, I can understand why Alex Jones thinks Glenn Beck is working for Them: Beck decided that there might not be a FEMA gulag, after all. But why does fundamentalist Christian "culture jammer"/conspiracist/Truther Mark Dice oppose Dan Brown's Angels and Demons? I mean, the book deals with all the same retarded crap topics Dice talks about:

- Illuminati Satanists rule the world.
- Occult symbolism is everywhere, hidden in plain sight.
- Catholics suck. (this is a belief held by the Illuminati Satanists, but Dice concurs)
- Science is really, really scary and only crazy bastards who worship the Devil use it.

These are the reasons Dice gave on Jason Bermas' show The Infowarrior, on his website, and in his new book Illuminati: Facts and Fiction:

- Angels and Demons could be a "purposeful whitewash of the real Illuminati",
- It could "muddy the waters for real researchers of the Illuminati".
- Because it's a work of fiction, it could lead people to believe the Illuminati isn't real, or at least confuse them as to what's factual and what isn't. For instance, the Illuminati really did take over Freemasonry.
- Brown has "links to the Illuminati". Namely, he attended Exeter. Dice says the Illuminati has heavily funded this school and used it as a neo-Platonic training ground for their ungodly spawn.
- Brown's former publisher, Random House, belongs to a media group that published Nazi propaganda.

I have to admit, Dice's concerns about a Dan Brown novel and a Tom Hanks movie actually make more sense than most of his other concerns:

- Dice led a boycott of Starbucks not because of its mediocre, overpriced coffee, nor its obnoxiously self-conscious green-ness, nor because there are nearly as many Starbucks in the U.S. as there are universities, but because that mermaid chick appears to be topless and spreading her legs (even though she probably doesn't have any, being a mermaid and all). He wants boycotters to refer to the chain as Slutbucks. Which is a decent name for a peeler bar, but I digress.
Interestingly, earlier this year Egyptian Cleric Safwat Hegazy also called for a boycott, claiming that the Starbucks mermaid is really the Jewish queen Esther (a hoax has some people believing that Starbucks donates vast sums of money to Israel, and Hegazy once issued a fatwa commanding Muslims to kill any Jews they encountered).
So which will it be, guys? Marine harlot or Biblical figure? You can't both be right, unless you want to argue that Esther was a fish.

- Jessica Simpson should be ashamed of herself for washing a car in a bikini, Fox News anchors should be ashamed of themselves for wearing short skirts, and Barbie should be ashamed of herself for wearing fishnets. Only mermaids would do something so depraved.

- The sports teams at Duke must stop using the name Blue Devils. I assume devil's food cake is also an abomination, perpetrated by that Illuminati whore known as Little Debbie.

Other Sources:
- The Resistance Manifesto (Mark Dice's website)
- "The link between Israeli troops and a double decaf non-fat moccachino" by Michael Coren. The National Post online. January 16/09.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jones & JFK

Here are two classic examples of how Jones wildly miscontrues and/or distorts historical information so that it suits his own preconceived notions about an event, both dealing with the Kennedy assassination:

The Case of the Psychic Kiwis

On his Apr. 12/09 broadcast, Jones mentioned that New Zealand newspapers carried news of Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest hours before he was caught.

You probably recall the scene from JFK in which X (Donald Sutherland) tells Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) that he was in New Zealand when Kennedy was shot, and was startled to find that the newspapers contained detailed information about Oswald before he had even been charged with the President's murder. The implication, of course, is that someone at the CIA accidentally distributed a profile of their patsy to the international press (or at least the New Zealand press) a little ahead of the game. Oopsy doodle. "I dunno what happened, Chief. I guess my watch musta broke."

X is a character based largely, if not wholly, on the late L. Fletcher Prouty, who really was in Christchurch on November 22, 1963 and really did notice that the Christchurch Star's front-page article "Kennedy Shot Dead" contained a description of the suspected shooter, Oswald. He found it suspicious that the paper could have this information well before Oswald was charged with the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit (at 7:00 PM on Nov. 22nd Dallas time/2:00 PM on Nov. 23rd Christchurch time).

However, Oswald had been arrested hours earlier (at 1:50 PM Dallas time on Nov. 22nd/8:50 AM on Nov. 23rd Christchurch time), and arrived at the Dallas police station around 2:00 PM. The station was literally crammed with reporters by this time. Though major American news outlets didn't declare Oswald the prime suspect in Kennedy's shooting until 3:54 PM Dallas time, when NBC News announced it on national television, there was plenty of speculation.

In response to JFK, the Christchurch Star explained that the paper received the news of Oswald's arrest by 10:00 AM (3:00 PM on Nov. 22nd Dallas time). It was simple to get info on the guy - his defection to Russia in 1959 and his repatriation to the U.S. in 1962 had made international news. The Star was even able to obtain a photo of Oswald, taken on November 16, 1959, at Moscow's Hotel Berlin. As it was an afternoon paper, there was plenty of time and more than enough information to put together a piece on Oswald and the shooting of the U.S. President.

So this is what happened: Shortly after Oswald's arrest, papers worldwide (including the Christchurch Star) received the news via wire services. The Star gathered information on Oswald from stories related to his defection and repatriation, which were very detailed, and ran a story on him in the afternoon, sometime between 1:30 and 2:30 PM Christchurch time.

What's sinister about this? Nothing.

Does Jones have the story right? Absolutely not. He took a story that was already fact-free (Prouty's claim that overseas newspapers shouldn't have contained info about Oswald before he was formally charged) and twisted it into a complete fantasy (the papers carried stories about Oswald before he was even arrested). If this doesn't make you approach Jones' claims with caution, I don't know what will.

The Case of the Baffled Embalmer

During an interview of Jesse Ventura, Jones claimed he had spoken to the late Paul Groody, the Texas mortician who embalmed Oswald, shortly before his death. Groody told him that FBI agents had entered the Miller Funeral Home and placed Oswald's fingers on the rifle found in the Book Depository. Groody was willing to be on Jones' show to reveal this explosive information, but shortly after their meeting he was run off the road by a driver and was too shaken to go on the air.

When I heard this, I had recently watched the 1988 documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy, in which Groody talked about the 1981 exhumation of Oswald's body. He hadn't mentioned this blatant evidence-planting.

I learned that when Morgan Reynolds interviewed Jim Marrs in September 2006, Marrs also said that Groody had told him "how the FBI came in and placed Oswald's dead fingers on the rifle."

Groody had spoken, on several occasions, of government agents (not necessarily FBI) entering his funeral home and fingerprinting Oswald's corpse, leaving black residue on the fingertips. But he never publicly mentioned this highly incriminating hand-on-rifle story, even though he had many opportunities to do so: He was in at least two documentaries, the one already mentioned and a 2002 Travel Channel program, Infamous Grave Sites. As one of the guests on a special JFK Coast to Coast AM broadcast in 2006 he again shared his story of the exhumation without revealing any new details. Furthermore, Marrs' book Crossfire included Groody's original account of postmortem fingerprinting without mentioning the rifle.

What's going on here? Did Groody change his story? Was he senile (he was in his '90s when Jones supposedly spoke with him)? If Jones' story is true, why would Groody withhold such a damning piece of eyewitness testimony for 40 years? It's not as though he shied away from controversy and conspiracy theories, as his behaviour after the Oswald exhumation shows.

In the '70s, British writer Michael Eddowes developed a theory that the Oswald who defected to Russia wasn't the same Oswald who returned to the U.S. in 1962. He had been swapped for a KGB lookalike. To back up his theory, Eddowes led Dallas-area conspiracy theorists in a campaign to have Oswald's body exhumed. Strangely, Marina Oswald joined the fight, and it was her 1981 lawsuit that resulted in the exhumation.

As the embalmer, Groody was on hand to identify the remains. He declared them to be Oswald's. A forensic team later determined that the corpse's teeth were a match to those of the "original" Oswald. Not until the body was reinterred did Groody realize he hadn't noticed a craniotomy incision on the skull; Oswald's cranium had appeared to be intact, and its top didn't fall off. Groody concluded that he had embalmed somone other than Oswald, and that at some point someone dug up his grave and replaced the corpse's head with the real Oswald's head so that the teeth would match if he was ever exhumed.

However, the doctor who headed the exhumation exam, Linda Norton, said the body did have a cranial incision. Photos taken during the exam show it clearly. Also, the team had to remove the skull from the rest of the body because it was still connected by tissues. Despite the evidence, Groody continued to insist that the man he embalmed was not Oswald.

So as you can see, Groody was no stranger to controversy and was not afraid to speak up. It's highly unlikely that he would have stayed mum about a government frame-up he had actually witnessed. Now that he's gone, we may never know if Marrs and Jones are telling the truth or not. Unfortunately, given Jones' track record of exaggerating and distorting the facts, I can't give him the benefit of the doubt.

Paul Groody describes the fingerprinting of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Other Sources

Reclaiming History. Vincent Bugliosi. Norton, 2007.

Alex Jones Needs a Bigger Studio

'Cause he and his ego won't be able to fit in there at the same time for much longer. From the April 14/09 broadcast:

"We trailblazed everything. We put Ron Paul on the map."

"We built the alternative radio system."

"We were the first to use viral video."

With the possible exception of the Ron Paul statement, this is all very, very wrong.

Jones has also stated, "I founded the 9/11 Truth movement," neatly ignoring the fact that the movement didn't even start in the U.S.

If Jones' ego doesn't outgrow the studio, his paranoia might. More from the April 14/09 broadcast:

- Wikipedia is run by the CIA. That's why the Bilderberg Group and New World entries have been removed. I assume he means this entry. And this one. Or maybe this one. Or this one.
- The New York and Pennsylvania mass shootings were probably staged. (he says the same about the Port Arthur massacre and Virginia Tech)

Friday, April 17, 2009

"Big Jim" Tucker

As a self-proclaimed authority on the Bilderberg Group, American "journalist" Jim Tucker has a prominent place in Jones' documentary Endgame, and has been a guest on his radio show many times. Since the '70s, he has sussed out the location of each Bilderberg meeting, and he often stakes out the locations to see if he can learn anything. Most of the time, he can't. Though he claims Margaret Thatcher was mustered out of office for refusing to bow down to the Bilderbergers and admitted this to him, there really isn't any evidence to bolster that statement.

When Tucker was on the show earlier this week, Jones affectionately referred to him as a "classic straw-hat journalist" (without mentioning which publications his work has appeared in), and congratulated him on his massive consumption of home-rolled cigarettes. "I don't smoke no tampon filter cigarettes," Tucker muttered.

I didn't know anything else about Tucker until I came across a mention that he had a 20-year association with Willis Carto. Yet another "populist" supporter of George Wallace's presidential campaign, Carto is also a white separatist, a Nazi admirer, an anti-Semite, and Holocaust denier. He established the Institute for Historical Review to propagate Holocaust denialism. His pseudointellectual denialist rag, The Barnes Review, is still in print (Jones favourite Texe Marrs is a fan).
From 1975-2001 his tabloid-style conspiranoia rag, The Spotlight, was America's most infamous anti-Semitic publication. Each issue was packed with Bircher-style conspiracy theories, racist rants, and bizarro "analysis" of current events and world history. David Duke ran for president with Carto's Populist Party in '88.

Where does Tucker come in? Tucker wrote for The Spotlight throughout its 26-year run. When it folded, he co-founded The American Free Press, which toned down the white racist rhetoric just enough to be mistaken for a respectable publication by people who aren't terribly bright (*cough*Dylan Avery, Jason Bermas, Kevin Barrett*cough*).

That's all I need to know. I'm not going to waste any more time on this creep. He'll be dead soon enough from lung cancer, anyway.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Other Dr. Deaths: Stanley Monteith, Boyd Graves, and Russell Blaylock

Now that I've covered "Dr." Scott Whitaker and Rebecca Carley, here are a few more of the doctors who have appeared on Jones' show...

Dr. Stanley Monteith

Monteith is a retired California doctor who spent much of his career fighting AIDS activists (well, at least he believes AIDS exists and is transmittable). He insists that vaccines cause cancer and fluoridated water is hazardous. And like all of the other doctors Jones has on his show, he believes an indiscriminate New World Order depopulation program is being conducted on a global scale. Why? So They can fulfill Biblical prophecy, in particular Revelations 6:8, which will install their leader (the AntiChrist).

Monteith appeared most recently on The Alex Jones Show in February, as a self-described expert on race-specific bioweapons and diseases, like AIDS (yes, he actually considers AIDS a race-specific disease, and Jones even cut in to say that black and Hispanic leaders are paid off to stay quiet about it, distracting people with "fake" racial politics).

He is also a conspiracy theorist, as you've probably already guessed. His book Brotherhood of Darkness is quite popular in the paranoid community. Monteith describes it thusly: "We reveal the secrets that the sages have passed down through the ages. If the secrets were discovered these men would have been killed. This book explains why the Supreme Court took prayer out of schools."

On Jones' show, he said American Special Forces are indoctrinated into the occult and are told that one of their most important missions is to eradicate huge percentages of the population. (Jones: "The blacks are just dancing right into the gas chambers, basically.") Funny, isn't it, how not one former member of Special Forces has blown the whistle on this?
What are these occult practices taught in the military? Monteith mentioned the Stargate Project, the Army's spectacularly unsuccessful remote-viewing experiment, which was completely dissolved over a decade ago. A very small number of military personnel were involved with it.

Monteith pulled out some stats: One in three black males between the ages of 21 and 31 is on probation, on parole, or in prison. "How could you possibly do something like that? I'll tell you how they could do it. It's the water fluoridation." That's right, tapwater turns you into a criminal. Especially if you're a person of colour. You've been warned.

Without providing a smidgeon of evidence, he said Mexican immigration groups are funded by the Ford Foundation, and Henry Ford was a disciple of "Satanic" Theosophy. Groups like MEchA, the NAACP, and La Raza, are also controlled by New World Theosophical eugenicists. (Ford may have dabbled in Theosophy, but he was Episcopalian).

Jones pointed out that Major Albert Stubblebine, one of Stargate's participants and perhaps its most enthusiastic supporter, now speaks out against it. At some point, Stubblebine realized he "hadn't been told the whole plan" behind Stargate; it is really a global extermination plan. Monteith: "I'm sure this is absolutely true." He went on to say that the eugenicists drew their beliefs from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy and a "white supremacist" (she wasn't; Theosophy was cobbled together from beliefs of many different cultures). Jones cut in to say, as he has numerous times, that HPB was Hitler's favourite philosopher (she wasn't, though like many men of his time he expressed mild interest in Theosophy).

Jones then said that if you take a liberal - any liberal - aside and mention HBP or Margaret Sanger, the liberal will snarl, "That's right, you sonofabitch, and we're gonna get you too. We've gotta exterminate the blacks and the Mexicans."


Dr. Boyd Graves

Dr. Graves was diagnosed as HIV-positive in the early '90s. Searching for a cure, he stumbled upon evidence that the U.S. Special Virus program created AIDS in a lab. His primary piece of evidence is a 1971 flowchart found on page 61 of the Program's Progress Report #8, which supposedly lays out the "research logic" of the development of HIV/AIDS. You can wade through this evidence at his self-glorifying website.

Boyd calls himself The Man Who Solved AIDS, and claims he was the first person to take the *cure*: an antimicrobial topical cream containing small amounts of tetrasilver tetroxide in jojoba oil, sold under the name Tetrasil. He actively promotes this cure in Africa and elsewhere. He makes a huge deal out of the fact that Marvin Antelman, the creator of Tetrasil, acquired a patent for tetrasilver tetroxide injection as a "method of curing AIDS". As I know jack about patent law, I don't know how/why travesties like this can occur. Fill me in if you know. The bottom line is, no, there is no evidence that Tetrasil/tetrasilver tetroxide cures AIDS. It has minor antimicrobial properties, and is sometimes used as a pesticide or swimming-pool disinfectant. That's all. In fact, it's illegal to promote it as a cure for anything in the U.S., and Zambia has banned it outright.

Like Rebecca Carley and Bill Deagle, Boyd says the 1918 flu virus was engineered as a bioweapon during WWI.

Dr. Russell Blaylock

Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon, told Alex Jones' listeners earlier this year that "conventional medicine" (again, this is a misnomer; it's either medicine, or it's not) was created by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1901.

[pause for laughter]

Blaylock considers vaccines hazardous, but doesn't condemn them wholesale. The main target of his doctorly wrath is the excitoxin aspartate, found in food additives like aspartame and MSG. The only legitimate concern about aspartate is that it might affect parts of the brain that are not protected by the blood-brain barrier, but Blaylock (against all evidence) insists it does cross the blood-brain barrier. Therefore, he believes that MSG can be lethal. He's also a medical consultant to the Fluoride Toxicity Research Collaborative.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

"Jim's Amazing Story"

On Wednesday, a government employee known only as Jim was on Jones' show to talk about the mass shooting in Binghamton, New York. Jim supposedly has "amazing" information about the local authorities having advance knowledge of when/where the shooting would occur.

Jim's story: He was across the street from the American Civic Association when another government employee informed him that an Asian-looking man had approached the building carrying "something" in a green bundle. This man couldn't identify what the bundle contained, but he was alarmed by it. He and Jim notified the police around the same time the shooting began. Jim watched as police arrived within two minutes and set up barricades around the building.

So, um, where's the foreknowledge?

Well, there was a "news-type" helicopter flying over the neighborhood roughly an hour before the shooting began.

Did Jim try to find out who owned the helicopter and why it was in the area?


Does anyone know who owned the helicopter and why it was in the area? Did Jones put any guys on it before going on the air with this "incredible" story?


Is there any evidence that the media knew about the gunman's plans in advance, but chose not to notify authorities for the sake of getting a good story, as Jones implies?


One New York TV station, News 10 in Syracuse, did recieve a letter from the gunman, containing his name and other details. As noted by the Post-Standard, it did not contain the location of the shooting. The letter was opened at 11:00 AM, about an hour after the shooting began. News 10 does not have a chopper.

To accuse members of the New York media of allowing the siege to occur, without presenting one shred of evidence, is deplorable. Shame on you, "Jim", you coward, whoever the hell you are.

Infowars is also covering the story of a pseudonymous woman who recently told Project Camelot she witnessed the order to shoot down Flight 93 on 9/11. Project Camelot interviews only people with bizarre stories: alien abductees, "scientists" like Dan Burisch, a boy who lived a previous life on Mars, Benjamin Fulford, a psychic assassin with a bionic arm, Dr. Bill Deagle, etc.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jones v. The Schizophrenics

I just listened to Jones' interview with Carol de Delly, whose son Tim McLean was viciously murdered and decapitated in an unprovoked attack on a bus last summer. This was a crime that horrified and baffled all Canadians. Two weeks before it occurred, we had allowed my stepdaughter to take the bus home alone for the first time in her life. I remember being mildly concerned at the time that the bus stations weren't taking any of the safety precautions you see at airports. There were no metal detectors, very few security guards, etc. But I reassured myself that bad things rarely happen on or to Canadian buses. So, needless to say, the death of Tim de Delly disturbed me greatly. Whether his killer is mentally ill or not, he must not be allowed to rejoin the public as a free citizen, both for his own safety and for ours.

Most mentally ill people, however, are not a danger to themselves or others. Particularly those people who are diagnosed in a timely fashion and receive appropriate, professional treatment. Even those who don't get help, however, are typically not a threat to anyone. I am acquainted with several mentally ill people in my city, including a schizophrenic woman who believes she is being gangstalked, a street poet who interprets mundane coincidences as miracles, and a musician who believes he met Christ on Vancouver Island. While their worldview is irrational and they sometimes have temper tantrums, hallucinations, or bouts of paranoia, none of these people has ever been "dangerous" in any sense of the word. Neither has my grandmother, who is a paranoid schizophrenic. Over the years she has made countless bizarre accusations, but she is not a threat to herself nor anyone else. In many respects she's like anyone else's grandmother; she takes in cats, embroiders potholders, watches gameshows.

Now that you know where I'm coming from, I have just two things to say to Alex Jones today:



Here is what Alex Jones said about people with schizophrenia: "They're inherently evil people. They call it 'psychological' or 'mental' - whatever, they're a demon. And that's the end of it."

Ms. de Delly agreed with this appallingly ignorant, Medieval bull, but she's a grieving mother who has been through a nightmarish situation and is trying to prevent others from suffering the same thing. I'm going to cut her a lot of slack, even though I'm not comfortable with her suggestion that people diagnosed with schizophrenia should be denied Canadian citizenship.

Jones, on the other hand, should seriously know better than to talk like this. Yes, he's somewhat religious and lives in the Bible belt. That's no excuse for branding schizophrenics as "inherently evil demons". Yes, he lives in a state that executes people who are severely mentally challenged. That's no excuse. Yes, he distrusts science and the medical establishment. That's no excuse. Yes, he supposedly has been "stalked" and harassed by people that he deems to be schizophrenic. That's no excuse.

In short, there is no excuse in this day and age for labeling the mentally ill as evil. I realize that public libraries are probably part of the New World Order Communist Agenda, but I suggest that for once in his damned life, Jones go there and do a small amount of book larnin' so that his willful ignorance will no longer reinforce the idea that all white Southern males are illiterate, bigoted, inbred morons.

See? Stereotypes suck, don't they?

Interestingly, Jones offered a description of people with schizophrenia that could apply rather well to himself. "That's how these schizophrenics work...they'll take any little cue to decide you're the Devil or you work for some secret group..."

Also, at the start of the broadcast, Jones said Ms. de Delly would be talking about the fact that "no one helped her son on the bus." Minutes later, she told the listeners that even though others have placed blamed on Tim's fellow passengers for their inaction, she herself realizes that they did not even understand what was happening at the back of the bus. Things happened very quickly. Besides, if anyone had tried to overpower or disarm this deranged man with a hunting knife, there would certainly have been more fatalities on that bus. The situation left no room for heroes. However, as de Delly pointed out, a trucker who stopped to help the passengers very bravely barricaded the bus doors shut, trapping the killer inside.
The notion that someone else should have intervened was Jones' alone.

Jones also complained that he is "always treated badly" at the Canadian border, while non-English-speaking people are not. "Is Canada just for people from the Third World?" he asked de Delly. She tactfully, politely rerouted the conversation back to the ostensible topic, her son's murder.
As a U.S.-Canadian citizen, I have crossed the border more times than I can possibly count. In fact, for a short time I lived on one side of the border and worked on the other, so I was crossing on a daily basis. Never have I been "treated badly" in any way. I have always found customs officers and airport security people on both sides of the border to be professional and civil. That's probably because I don't throw temper tantrums or say "I feel like I'm being raped, here" when asked to provide identification.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Rense v. Jones

As you may know, there's some kind of kerfuffle going on between Jones and his conspiranoia colleague Jeff Rense. Apparently, Rense was fired from GCN because he promoted the profoundly retarded theory that Jones is a "Zionist shill", by providing a link to this idiocy on his website.

Rense is a rabid anti-Zionist, needless to say, and the Anti-Defamation League has catalogued anti-Semitic material published on his website.

I don't have anything more to say about this. It's just your typical feud between paranoids. Let's face it: When you don't trust anyone, you can't work with anyone. If we really did need to be saved from New World Order tyranny by these guys, we'd be in deep sh** right now.

Jones in the headlines. Not in a good way.

Alex Jones defended the deranged, cop-killing rampage of Rod "Crocodile Dundee" Ansell as a very natural, understandable reaction to Australian gun legislation.

But he's not defending the deranged, cop-killing rampage of 23-year-old Richard Poplawski in Pennsylvania.

That's an fascinating double standard Jones has. Cop-killing rampages are okay when they happen to Australians, because the Aussie cops had it coming for "taking away his guns" (even though they didn't take away all of Ansell's guns, obviously). But cop-killing rampages in the U.S. are not okay because...because...wait...I know there must a good reason here somewhere...

Oh, right. Because Alex Jones is being implicated as a cause of this rampage by Media Matters, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Little Green Footballs, and others, alongside Glenn Beck and other conservative commentators who are sounding alarms about imminent gun confiscation.

My feeling on this is that no one but Poplawski is responsible for Poplawski's actions. I'm a strong believer in personal responsiblity, as Jones only claims to be.

Whoops, spoke too soon: Towards the end of yesterday's broadcast, Jones blamed Obama for the rampage, because of his draconian gun-control measures. Also, the Marines must do something to make "nutballs" like Poplawski go crazy.