Sunday, April 26, 2009

Swine Flu: Jones Calls in the Experts

Jones naturally wants to prop up his assertion that the swine flu is an engineered bioweapon, so he's going to invite a couple of doctors on the show to give their expert opinions on how the flu developed. CDC officials? Epidemiologists? Research scientists with backgrounds in bioengineering?

No, Dr. Bill Deagle. The GP who lost his Colorado medical license for killing a patient with painkillers. The dude who believes he is one of the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelations. The dude who says the Forbidden Zones in the U.S. will soon be patrolled by Modified Attack Baboons with Nano-Armor and dinosaur clones. The dude who's working to develop a Rife machine. The dude who believes the 1918 flu was bioengineered. The dude who says he was invited to help invent AIDS and rule the world. That's just the tip of his crazy iceberg; read my post "The World of Dr. Deagle" for more information.

The other expert Jones is going to have on the show: Rebecca Carley, who I recently covered here. She is not allowed to practice medicine because of her mental instability and her refusal to seek treatment. She believes that a coalition of Freemasons, Satanists, and practicing doctors are suppressing her detox cure for autism and cancer. As an anti-vaccine hysteric, she insists upon re-classifying diseases as autoimmune disorders caused by vaccines without doing any real research whatsoever.

Ask yourself: If any rational, credible, licensed doctors supported these conspiracy theories about Swine Flu, wouldn't Jones invite them on the show?


  1. I love your posts! These sickos are frightening!

  2. Oh good Lord! I should've seen this one coming.

  3. I first noticed Alex Jones on Jon Ronsons' 'Secret Rulers of the World' documentary, and then again when 9/11 conspiracy theories were at their peak.

    I watched Alex Jone's emergency flu broadcast on youtube, and the saddest thing was his scaremongering about vaccines. That someone might actually listen to that stuff when making medical decisions for their kids is scary.

    One thing I'm not sure about is whether is audience already share a very frightened world view, and so are his natural consumers, or whether he draws people into that world view.

    Rebecca Carley seems very ill. As for Dr. Deagle, well, words get scared and run away.

  4. The vaccine issue scares me more than just about any other thing Jones talks about. Anti-vaccination hysteria is having a significant impact throughout the world, even in the U.S. and Canada; more and more parents are seeking exemptions, while others are simply refusing to inoculate. Someday we may be seeing lots of kids in iron lungs again, thanks to that. Egypt managed to eradicate polio, then some clerics began warning parents that vaccines are ungodly or contaminated or some such nonsense, and now it's back.

    Every single one of the doctors Jones has on his show (many of whom have been stripped of their licenses) are anti-vaccination hysterics. Carley is only the most frightening example.

    Deagle is Walter Mitty in the flesh, but I hesitate to underestimate him these days. His radio show has a growing audience, and with Jones taking him seriously (for some reason), he's going to be reaching millions of people with his bizarre theories and scare stories.

  5. There's a really good post on rumours and hoaxes to do with swine flu on the Making Light blog:

    It's talking about this article on the same subject:

    So if we do get a vaccine for this flu, I wonder how many people won't take it because of Jones and his group of quacks, and others like them? If people listen to them right now, they won't even take tamiflu.

  6. "How False Rumors Can Cost Lives" is a fab article. It's unfortunately true that unethical medical experiments have been conducted throughout the U.S. and Canada, but they're the exception, not the rule. Avoiding standard medical care because of them is not a wise choice. Nor is it a wise choice to take health advice from people who refer to Tamiflu as a vaccine (Rebecca Carley), people who claim to have an AIDS cure in the form of a swimming pool disinfectant (Boyd Graves), or people who think they're super-intelligent because their mothers smoked while pregnant - opening neural pathways the rest of us don't use (Bill Deagle).

    Here's another example of health-related rumours in action: In the '80s, many gay men in the U.S. refused to be tested for AIDS because they had heard rumours all positive men would be rounded up and quarantined in concentration camps. Sounds familiar....
