Tuesday, September 7, 2010

All Crazy Gunmen are Left-wing

For over 20 years, James Von Brunn made it clear to the world that he loathed non-whites and non-Christians. But when Von Brunn walked into the D.C. Holocaust Museum last year and opened fire on the security guards, Alex Jones declared that the shooting was probably engineered jointly by the government (as part of a "Valkyrie takeover drill", whatever that is) and the Anti-Defamation League. Von Brunn was possibly threatened into participating.

Timothy McVeigh made it crystal clear that he planned the Oklahoma City Bombing partly in retalation for the Waco massacre. But in Jonestown, he's just an FBI patsy whose handlers probably told him he was fighting white supremacists, and he confessed multiple times only because he was drugged by the CIA.

When Joseph Stack plowed an airplane into an Austin office tower in February, he left behind a vitriolic letter blaming the IRS for all his troubles. But Stack, too, was just a government patsy - part of the Great Tea Partier Frameup of 2010 that never actually happened.

When children shoot up their schools, it's not because they're mentally ill or because they're psychotic little assholes, even if the videos and writings they leave behind point clearly in one of those directions. It's because of psych meds they might not even be taking.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA/military plant who didn't shoot at anyone. He was forced to pose as a leftist.

But when James Lee entered Discovery Channel headquarters and threatened to shoot employees for not doing enough to save the planet, leaving behind a radical environmentalist screed, Alex Jones accepted the media's explanation at face value.

So you see, when a right-wing extremist shoots people, he's only doing it on behalf of the government (or because he has been drugged and/or threatened by the government). His stated motives are not the real motives, and his intended goal is not his intended goal. But if a left-wing extremist shoots people, he really is doing exactly what he says he's doing.


  1. Well said! I am enjoying your site whilst snacking on GMO cornchips with a lovely glass of fluoridated water! Shh! America is sleeping beside me, we don`t want to wake them! ; )
    Keep up the great work! I was glad to find this site!

  2. Tapwater and frankenchips? Scott, I'm surprised you can even type.

  3. It's odd how someone professing conservative values is so prepared to absolve people of responsibility, himself included. PP went into full spin mode in efforts to distance themselves from Poplawski, falsely claiming Poplawski held views "180 degrees opposed" to those of Jones/Prisonplanet. But Poplawski thought 'the government/NWO were going to take his guns' and he 'made his stand' for 'what he believed in'. Like any good patriot should? Hmm. [The only dicause for dispute I can find between the views of Poplawski and Jones is that Poplawski wasn't "100% sure" Jones was a full-on Jew hater. But this comes from a neo-Nazi, so....the bar of hate is set quite high, obviously.]

    Likewise over 911 - the conspiracists absolve the individuals involved of all responsibility by shifting blame to some nefarious others. Likewise for radical militant Islam: it is completely absolved of guilt for 911, Madrid, London, Paris etc. What a service the conspiracy freaks do for terror! They effectively paint the terrorists as victims and that which is attacked as the perp!

    Joe Stack is an interesting case, and he might break the mould of your thesis insofar as his last testament ended with a paean to the creed of communism which he contrasted with capitalism and greed. Superficially he seems to endorse communism, although it's questionable whether he was a communist/leftie or even knew anything much about it.

    Jones and co never made anything of it, indeed, they'd suggest the opposite - that communism was the problem ie forcible redistribution led Stack to attack the IRS.....which is a kinda coherent narrative, but one contradicted by Stack's apparently positive reference to communism.

    Chomsky spoke about Stack and the conspiracy industry promoted his views. (They're never slow to make use of supposed lefty gatekeepers when it suits them?) Seems conspiracism completely misunderstood the article - not a first, I know. :D Chomsky said "The centre can't hold" and raised the spectre of Weimar, seemingly suggesting Stack represents something of that threat: Stack represents anger and bitterness which are valid and well-justified but he's not being served by the state, nor by any leftism and so is drawn to

    Fits my own perspective - that conspiracism, Alex Jones et al represent a potential fascism. They even took Stack as "one of their own", despite the positive reference to communism. Somehow conspiracism is proving more effective at producing an appealing narrative, despite its internal contradictions. It worries me for the same reasons it seems to worry Chomsky:

  4. Chomsky: "Now, all of this evokes memories of other days, when the center did not hold, and they’re worth thinking about. One example that should not be forgotten is the Weimar Republic. That was the peak of Western civilization in the sciences and the arts, also regarded as a model of democracy. Through the 1920s, the traditional liberal and conservative parties that had always governed the Reich entered into inexorable decline. That was well before the process was intensified by the Great Depression. The coalition that elected General Hindenburg in 1925 was not very different from the mass base that swept Hitler into office eight years later, compelling Hindenburg, who was an aristocrat, to select as chancellor the “little corporal,” as he called him, that he detested. As late as 1928, the Nazis had less than three percent of the vote. Two years later, the most respectable Berlin press was lamenting the sight—I’m quoting—of the many millions in this “highly civilized country” who had “given their vote to the commonest, hollowest and crudest charlatanism.” The center was collapsing. The public was coming to despise the incessant wrangling of Weimar politics, the service of the traditional parties to powerful interests and their failure to deal with popular grievances. They were being drawn to the forces that were upholding the grandeur of the nation and defending it against perceived threats in a revitalized, armed, unified state, which is going to march to a glorious future, led by the charismatic figure who, in his words, was carrying out “the will of eternal Providence, the Creator of the universe.” By May 1933, the Nazis had largely destroyed not only the traditional ruling parties, but even the large working-class parties, the Social Democrats and the Communists, which were quite strong, along with their very powerful associations. The Nazis declared May Day 1933 to be a workers’ holiday. That was something the left parties had never been able to achieve. In fact, many working people took part in the enormous patriotic demonstrations, more than a million people in what was called Red Berlin that were joining farmers, artisans, shopkeepers, paramilitary forces, Christian organizations, athletic and riflery clubs, and the rest of the coalition that was taking shape as the center collapsed. By the onset of the war, perhaps 90 percent of Germans were marching with the brownshirts.

    Well, the world is too complex for history to repeat, but there are nevertheless lessons to keep in mind, and even memories. I’m just old enough to remember those chilling and ominous days of Germany’s descent from decency to Nazi barbarism, quoting the distinguished scholar of German history Fritz Stern, who tells us that he has the future of the United States in mind when he reviews what he calls “a historic process in which resentment against a disenchanted secular world found deliverance in the ecstatic escape of unreason." If that sounds familiar, it is. This is one possible outcome of collapse of the center when the radical imagination, which in fact was quite powerful at that time, nonetheless fell short."

