Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On Vacation...

until the end of the month. Have a good June, and give some thought to the recent actions of the man I call Alex Jones' spiritual twin: Glenn Beck. Watch the vid below and ask yourself, is Beck's embrace of the "anti-Communist" Elizabeth Dilling very different from Jones' embrace of Eustace Mullins, Texe Marrs, Ted Pike, "journalists" for rags started by Holocaust deniers and white supremacists, and guests who hold other racist and/or bigoted views? If Jones and Beck want to successfully "expose the truth" about Communism, the banking system, globalization, etc., there are many intelligent, erudite people they could choose as mentors - so why do they so often pick Jew-haters, people with fascist and/or neo-Nazi sympathies, and bigots?

The alternative media line seems to be, "If you have even a tiny amount of valid information, we don't care if you're a Holocaust denier, anti-Semite, fascist, or racist. It's all good so long as we agree on the really important stuff like fluoride, Illuminati symbolism in public places, and martial law (which is, of course, going to happen any minute now)."

There are key questions. We will not understand the true intent of Jones, Beck et al until we answer them.


  1. we don't care if you're a Holocaust denier, anti-Semite, fascist, or racist. It's all good so long as we agree on the really important stuff like fluoride

    HAHA. Enjoy your hols!

  2. Sounds like a totalitarian leftist has escaped the reservation..I better warn the freedom movement!

  3. Herman Van Rumpuy openly announces the goal of global governance, Bill gates openly announces vaccines to curb human populations....HG Wells announces that many will die resisting the NWO....The Mexican prez openly announces that integration with the US is a "long term" goal ( really meaning less than 20 years from now?).....the vampires in charge want to take NAFTA, WTO and NATO to the next level- all openly announced... go listen to what they admit to, and you know this is just a bit of what they want....

  4. The establishment are the ones who are international fascists, thanks to Ledeen et al....Jones battles the fascists, the eugenicists, the controllers, to help pull down the spy cams, end the police thuggery, and stop the banker thefts and looting and rape of the average citizen.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaPqCMIuEk4&feature=related

  6. That chemtrail vid is sort of moderately interesting in a nothing-better-to-do-on-a-Sunday kind of way, but what does it have to do with right-wing extremism? Are you saying Chris Mathews sprays chemtrails when he talks or something? Can we at least TRY to stick to the topic, ppl?!

  7. ....Matthews gets paranoid when a sorta old fashioned conservative movement stirs.....Matthews wants to view things within two main party filters- you should be either a Kennedy-McGovern democrat, or a Bush or maybe Reagan republican......when you go outside of those parameters, Mathews goes nuts, his paranoia knows no boundary when anything that is pre- New Deal begins to circulate....he feels threatened and confused, becomes shrill, and dissembles more than usual

  8. Congrats, Anon, you just described every other talking head on television.
