Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Phantom Underage Call Boys

There isn't much to say about the health reform issue that I haven't already mentioned (here, for instance), so I won't even go there. Instead, I'll address an offhand comment that Jones made about Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank. Why? Because it's little factoids like these, casually thrown out, that are embedded in the minds of listeners as "facts". I mean, Jones wouldn't say something on the air if it wasn't true, right?
On Monday's show, Jones stated that Barney Frank can get away with "hiring underage call boys".
I had to look this one up, because I don't exactly keep tabs on the sex lives of congressmen.
As it turns out, between 1985 and 1987 a male prostitute, personal assistant, and lover to Frank sometimes took other clients to Frank's apartment. When caught, he alleged that Frank knew all about it (which Frank denied). This was referred to by some of the more conservative media outlets as a "call boy ring", but it was basically just one male prostitute using a boyfriend's house for sex with other clients.

That's pretty much it. The lover, Stephen Gobie, was not underage when he began his relationship with Frank. He was 28. Furthermore, in 1991 the House ethics committee determined Frank did not know about the prostitution "ring". The panel did conclude that a letter Frank sent to a Virginia prosecutor on Gobie's behalf, in his effort to win probation on felony charges, was "misleading", and that he had used House privileges to get rid of parking tickets Gobie received when driving Frank's car. Frank was reprimanded, but the charges were not serious enough to warrant further action.


  1. this blog casually throws out little factoids like this , to embed in peoples minds offhand comments by Jones, to deflect away from his primary and pertinent message...

  2. Right Anonymous... his primary and pertinent message that we are all completely and utterly f*cked and that we are all going to die.

  3. This is a good example though of "facts" that do get embedded in listener's minds. Squalene, mecury in vaccines killing us all, FEMA buying up a bunch of plastic coffins etc

    Frank is not squeaky clean but he's hardly the depraved soulless sexual deviant people like Jones like to claim he is.

  4. a bunch of coffins? explain...

  5. Anon, you didn't know about the plastic FEMA coffins?! You need to pay closer attention to the primary and pertinent message: Gay Communists like Barney Frank and elite eugenicists like Bill Gates want you and everyone you have ever known to die soon so they can party by themselves. It's all written on the Georgia Guidestones. Sheesh. Somebody's been sleeping in class.

  6. I did know about Bill Gates wanting viruses/ vaccines to reduce populations...

    ..just what is FEMA doing with a zillion plastic coffins, anyway? Could they be turned into canoes?

  7. Bill Gates admited he wanted or foresaw how vaccines would be used to reduce population... UNICEF has already been caught at least twice doing this- polio shots in Nigeria were tainted with reproductive harming toxins, and in the Philipines UNICEF was sued by a Catholic nuns group I think, to make them halt their vaccination program, due to the poisons found in the vaccines....the Nuns won, but not before 3 million women were injected.

  8. Anon #1: They're vault liners. Many, if not most, cemeteries use them. While they were being stored outdoors at a site belonging to the manufacturer, someone noticed them and freaked out about "FEMA's plastic coffins". They have nothing to do with FEMA.

  9. Anon #2: Still looking into the Philippines thing. There have been problems with the Nigerian polio vaccine, but it doesn't seem to have affected fertility or birth rates.

  10. although i totally agree with someone really checking out alex jones' information, anyone taking that responsibility has to cite, and do enough research so that a clear picture can be created. i enjoy alex only linking me to information i may have not otherwise found out; but i always go to the source. no source, no thought. id never find one article contradicting what he says and take it as the right information. he puts his spin on everything, as you can tell when he reads something on air he hasnt read beforehand, and he has his agenda that may sway people from one idiot thought to another, but we can't add to that. id be more than happy to follow a blog like this if it did what alex jones didnt

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