Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Brief Hiatus

First flu, now a screwed-up neck. I'll be back in a week.
Maybe by that time Charlie Sheen will have convinced Obama that 9/11 was an inside job.
Or not.


  1. Regarding Charlie Sheen's piece of Charlie Sheen Fanfiction, are you going to do a post adressing his 20 bullet points at some time? I was debating the issue (ok, less debate and more mocking on FB) with a truther friend who posted a link to it and he challenged me to answer the points. Now I'm not American and I have enough real issues with my own government to be spending hours researching a faux issue in a foreign one. However I would like to be able to answer him. Are there any sites providing concise, properly sourced articles dealing with Truther claims the way TalkOrigins deals with Creationist claims?

  2. A majority of Americans think 9-11 was an inside job.

    There are too many problems with the official conspiracy theory put forward by the Feds...

    1. Building 7 was not struck by any plane, yet it collapsed inside its footprint on the afternoon of sept 11 2001...this was an unprecedented event. The owner admits on TV that he "pulled it"... the term for a controlled demolition is "pull"

    2. Pakistan spy chief Ahmed Mahmoud, with Omar Sheikh, wired about $100,000 to 9-11 plotter Mohammed Atta. Mahmoud is tightly wound up with America's elites. Omar Sheikh was in prison for the death of American journalist Daniel Pearl.

    3. Saudi ambassador to the US-Prince Bandar- his wife wired thousands of dollars to a party who later gave some of the money to two of the 9-11 plotters who were living in California.(Bandar is a close friend of Bush)
    4. Three weeks before the attack, someone made short sells or bets for stocks for the airlines that would be involved in 9-11...someone was making bets that these stocks would soon steeply fall. The amount of money and stocks involved was way beyond any normal scope or regular bet...this anonymous wagerer has yet to be revealed.

    5. The facade is cracking among the 9-11 Commissioners themselves. I think 6 out of 10 of them are doubting the conclusion they themselves submitted. Commissioner Georgia Senator Max Cleland resigned the Commission in disgust, and called the final report a "national scandal." Expect an expose book from another Commissioner next year...

    I read an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal where FBI director Freeh called for a new have Ralph Nader and, well, about half of the American population... Hit pieces done by National Geographic and Popular Mechanics are patently false and deliberately misrepresent or ignore the facts.

    Only kooks believe the governement official conspiracy theory- cavemen in Afghanistan temporarily brought to its knees the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Denial is dangerous.

  3. There's also the Weehawken five.

    Five Israelis were noticed by multiple witnesses on 9-11, these five were hooting and hollering for joy as soon as the towers fell. These five were across the river in Jersey, they were filming the unfolding event... The police were called- they searched the five guys van...(dogs sniffed traces of explosives, several suspicious passports, boxcutters, and thousands of dollars in a sock, etc.) The five were arrested. They claimed they worked for a moving company, also run by an Israeli national... this companies owner fled America soon after...the five were released a few weeks later, and fled to Israel.
    On Israeli TV, one of the five men said they were there to document the 9-11 event.

    They were most likely Mossad. They set up cameras before the towers fell...this event shows that someone within the Israeli intelligence community had foreknowledge of 9-11, at the least, regardless of whoever was the mastermind- cavemen or Western men in three piece suits... But foreknowledge could have saved thousands...

    ..who was a direct beneficiary of 9-11? Israel- the US eventually knocked out one of their enemies-Iraq- under the false claim that Iraq was more of a threat than it was.

  4. @ Eugene. look up youtube user Dsglop he has done 3 videos answering all of Charlie's questions and then another questioning whether Charlie is a liar or just mislead.

  5. I think Eugene opened up a Pandora's box...six of the ten 9-11 Commissioners now say that the White House engaged in a criminal cover-up of the 9-11 events-yes this is so ...

    Hundreds of first responders (firemen and cops) are on record as saying they heard very loud explosions before and after the towers fell...

    Firemen Mike Bellone and Nick DeMansi say that the aircraft's black boxes were found near ground zero-they found them, contrary to what is officially admitted...

    Victim Barbara Olsen supposedly called her husband before the plane she was on crashed...her husband has since given conflicting claims as to whether or not she called with a cellphone or an airplane the time (2001) using a cellphone at that height was impossible, and in 2001 that particular plane did not have an air-phone...her alleged testimony formed the core source for the official box-cutter theory of Arab hijackers...I think the Feds or her husband are now saying she called, but didn't get through...hmm

    Usama bin Ladin is not on the FBI's top ten most wanted list for the 9-11 attacks. he has never been indicted for 9-11 crimes. The FBI and Justice dept. say there's not enough evidence to indict...(bin Ladin is wanted for the earlier east African embassy attacks, though)..

    No one piece of evidence can show a conspiracy different from the "cavemen" theory put forth by our government. But the data is piling up...Bush Cheney actually threatened Congress and the public to stay off the case....why?

  6. Thank you various anonymoussesees (what is the plural here?)

    So what I'm getting here is that 9/11 was committed by Bush, Cheney and/or the Pakistanis and/or the Saudis and/or THE JEWS!!! but most certainly NOT commited by a group of well funded, educated Afgans, who happen to be highly trained in guerilla warfare? Got it, thanks!

    Also large amounts of Americans believe it, ergo it is the truth. Gotcha. Consider me illuminated.

    I looked up Dsglop - good videos but not as eloquent as I hoped. Would like to see that kind of video done by the likes of Thunderf00t, AronRa or Potholer54.

  7. I keep forgetting to add: Get well soon SME! We miss you!

  8. Correct, basically.

    The official theory lists Saudi hijackers, mainly. Not Afghans.

    Not "The Jews," but rather you should say an element of the Israeli government. "The Jews" sounds too all-encompassing.

    Also- the fact that approx. a majority of Americans dont accept the offial version of 9-11 events was not mentioned to prove that the official version is wrong. It was mentioned only to show that 9-11 doubt is not the domain of a small group of nonconformists.

    Which fact or piece of evidence listed do you think is absolutely incorrect?

  9. Who really pulled this off is still unknown.

    The evidence points to a Bush cover-up, but this does not mean that Bush did it. Bush could just be covering up the fact that his administration was criminally negligent, or the real perps were too cozy with Bush's friends?

    The Israelis may have merely caught wind of the plot, so that explains why they were set up to film the towers coming down.

    ...And the Pakistani spy agency (ISI) link to the Taliban is well documented.

    Politics makes odd bedfellows...


  11. So basically 9/11 was a colabboration between Israel and her Islamic enemies designed to get the US (who may or may not have been totally in on it) to attack the Islamic enemies of Israel.

    This is the mother of all conspiracies!

  12. Israel need not have collaborated. The "Dancing Israeli's" were there to document the event. It could be just simple foreknowledge.

    Also- Pakistan's Mushariff and the ISI are not exactly overtly hostile to Israel. And Iraq, while an enemy of Israel, under Saddam Hussein, was secular.

    And yes, it is one of the biggest conspiracies of all time. I tend to think people connected to Bush were involved, but I am unsure if he himself was involved.

    Many people still believe the official narrative, because their psychology wont allow them to accept that their own leaders would attack fellow citizens. In chess, you often sacrifice your pawn in order to meet your goal of winning. In politics, leaders will sacrifice one individual fellow citizen, or thousands, just to fulfill an objective. The number sacrificed doesn't matter.

    Look at who benefited from the attack: Bush was an immediate beneficiary, it turned him into a war leader and hero with an almost 90% approval rating ( a higher approval rating than Jesus Christ)...the arms industry gained...and of course, Israel, once Saddam was knocked out of the box ( Bush and Co. wanted to go into Iraq from day one of his administration-read Secretary O'Neils book) The neo-cons wanted to invade back in the late 90' any event, we went in by spring of 2003, as Cheney tried to tie Saddam to Al Qaeda.

    9-11 gave the government cover to pass the Patriot Act,too.

    The steel girders of the the two towers could not have been melted down into liquid lava or ash with jet fuel/kerosene . The girder debris was hastily disposed of, despite being evidence in a crime.

  13. All the above "facts" can't be right...but even if just one or two are, then I guess we do need to re-do the investigation. I vote that regular working people chair the new investigative committee, and not politician-lobbyists.

  14. The official story doesn't even hold that the steel structure was melted by kerosine, or that it was even melted by the ensuing fire of wood, plastic, paper and everything else in the building.

    Steel loses a lot of its tensile strength long before it reaches melting point. That's high-school level materials physics.

    Enrol on a physics course at your local high school, and opt to do a project on steel tensile strength under varying heat. Or don't, the other option is to continue in pseudo-intellectual fappery, amateurishly psycho-analysing anyone who disagrees with the stuff that you read on the internet.

  15. You missed the point. I never said that the girders could not come loose and the building could not thus come down. My point concerned the eventual creation of molten lava and ash, which lingered for awhile. My statement was not about steel girders losing or not losing tensile strength. That might be possible. I was doubting whether or not the temperature was enough to cause molten lava and ash. I don't know.
    You disputed one point. Most of the 9-11 Commissioners now dispute the official government version of the events of 9-11.

    I wish people would refrain from engaging in personal attacks....


  17. I'm not an expert on 9-11...I can understand some hair-splitting concerning evidence, but being attacked by someone who could not correctly read what I wrote... This is exasperating.

    The September 11,2009 edition of Asia Times Online has a good article on 9-11 questions (written by Pepe Escobar).

  18. Ahem...

    Get well soon, SME.

    Chicken noodle soup, plenty of liquids, and lay off the Infowars.

  19. Phooey! Mr./Miss Anonymous is whacked on scooby snacks. My country won't attack me just to capture some carpets in Afghanistan and some camels in Iraq.


    building 7 had molten steel in the basement area...

  21. No! Bush and Cheney absolutely could not have pulled off 9-11...Sept 11 was done by someone smart.


    FEMA 9-11 whistleblower on the run...a strange tale indeed.
