You might be wondering what I think of The Alex Jones Deception, the YouTube documentary-type thing put together by the debunker "Troy from West Virginia" (Troy Sexton). Here are my thoughts on it:
- There are a few excellent points and some funny moments, but it's way too disrespectful and mean-spirited for my tastes. Lots of name-calling, lots of character assassination. I prefer to deal primarily with the information Jones and his guests present to audiences. It doesn't have to get so personal and so nasty.
- Troy has been charged with abusing his son. This casts into serious doubt his assertion that one of Jones' followers falsely reported him to Child Protective Services on a previous occasion.
Speaking of really stupid sh**, Jones' guest Dr. Mayer Eisenstein says it's sunscreen - not the sun - that causes skin cancer. I've heard this from Jones' guests before. Jones figures that because we all need some sunlight, the more the better - no precautions necessary.
Eisenstein is an opponent of all vaccines who offers some highly questionable treatments to his patients. For instance, he promises parents that if they don't have their children vaccinated and give them lots of vitamin D, they will not be autistic. And he believes - despite a complete lack of evidence - that autism occurs when excess testosterone binds to mercury in thimerosal (a vaccine preservative found in very few of the vaccines administered today). So he "cures" autistic children by giving them the powerful hormone suppressant Lupron. It's heavy stuff. My grandfather has been taking it for prostate cancer.
But even if mercury bonded to excess testosterone as theorized (it doesn't), and even if mercury damage resulted in autism (it doesn't), Lupron would not help. Once mercury damage has been done to the brain, it can't be undone. Potential damage from mercury poisoning can only be mitigated if treatment is administered immediately after exposure.
The most disturbing effect of this treatment, though, is that it render males impotent - permanently. It is chemical castration. In fact, it has been used on repeat sex offenders.
And Jones complains about the globalists' plot to sterilize men?
BTW, there have been very serious allegations of malpractice made against Eisenstein's home birth practice by several former patients, as described in this May Chicago Tribune article.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Great Swine Flu Plot of '09
Though Swine Flu has killed more people than all the vaccines Jones despises put together, he's convinced that the flu is relatively harmless. Maybe it is. I'll give him that. But that's where our opinions on the matter diverge, but Jones posits the existence of what is basically a United Nations takeover plot of America. Here's roughly how it will play out, according to Jones:
Step 1: In the fall, Swine Flu hysteria will serve as a distraction while the government sneaks in more bank bailouts, carbon taxation, the Clean Water Restoration Act, and the passage of hate crime legislation. Then forced inoculation will be introduced.
Step 2: Forced inoculation will result in riots all over the U.S., because people are too smart to take the shots voluntarily. The vaccine will not protect against Swine Flu; in fact, it was probably an experimental vaccine that was used to start the outbreaks in the first place.
Step 3: The rioting will give "Obama's thugs" (NORTHCOM and civilian service orgs like Americorps) the perfect excuse to institute and maintain nationwide martial law. Everything will be federalized.
Step 4: Under the direction of Obama's science czar, John Holdren, sterilizing agents will be placed in municipal water supplies.
Step 5: Dissidents will be rounded up and placed in FEMA concentration camps. The Constitution will cease to exist, and the U.S. will basically become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the UN.
Step 6: The real mass murder begins. 80-99% of the world's population will be eliminated via tainted vaccines, execution, forced abortions, and involuntary sterilization.
The Great Swine Flu Plot model Jones has crafted relies on the very shaky presumption
that any pandemic preparedness on the part of any government agency is bad, m'kay? This includes any cemetery preparedness. We should just let people die and rot where they drop, I guess.
Let's look at the other evidence Jones has amassed in support of his model, some of it supplied by guests:
Jones claims he predicted the flu pandemic on March 5th, after noticing that mass graves were being prepared at the National Memorial Cemetery in Pheonix and Houston National Cemetery. He has also noted that the New York Division of Cemeteries sent "Mass Fatality Forms" to cemeteries to collect data on their ability to deal with casualties of a flu pandemic or other disaster. However, this survey was conducted in 2007, and was spurred by concerns about an Avian Flu pandemic.
Kurt Nimmo of Infowars found it sinister that in Exeter, England, there are emergency plans to inter flu victims in old catacombs. Again, this was discussed as early as 2006, in relation to Avian Flu. The catacombs were orginally built for just such epidemics, by the way. Modern Englishmen aren't the only ones with the foresight to prepare for the worst...
There's nothing amazing about Jones "predicting" the pandemic in March, because pandemic concerns were being aired as early as January.
There's another problem with Jones' claim that he predicted Swine Flu. Quote: "Two months before 9/11 I said, 'The government's gonna blow up the World Trade Center and blame its asset, bin Laden.' I saw the preparation right out in the open!"
If you listen to the prediction made on July 25, 2001, you'll hear for yourself that he wasn't this specific. He did mention bin Laden, but he did not provide a timeframe, a target, or a means of attack. When he mentioned explosives, he was referring to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing. When he mentioned the World Trade Center, he was again referring to the '93 bombing.
And unless you're a Truther, you know that the World Trade Center was not blown up on 9/11.
There are more problems with the prediction. As critics of Jones have pointed out, conspiranoid broadcaster William Cooper gave an identical warning (mentioning bin Laden but not a specific target) a full month before Jones. You can hear Cooper's prediction 1:27 into this video.
Also, when he appeared on CNN to discuss Charlie Sheen's Trutheriness, Jones declared he "had intelligence" that the 9/11 attacks were going to occur, and that he was first person to expose 9/11. So which is it? Did he figure out that 9/11 was going to happen because he saw preparations "out in the open", or did he receive intel about it? And why does he claim to be the first person to expose the plot, when he probably knew (or at least knows by now) that he was not?
Forgive me, but I'm not placing much stock in Jones' predictive powers. He has said, "Everything I say comes true," but that doesn't seem to be the case at all. The vast majority of things he says don't come true.
On the show, F. William Engdahl claimed the H1N1 virus has not yet been isolated and examined. Paradoxically, guests Rima Laibow (a doctor specializing in nutrition and alien abduction, wife of Remote Viewing champion Albert Stubblebine) and Wayne Madsen said the virus shows signs of genetic engineering. Yet all three of them are incorrect. The virus has been examined, and is indistinguishable from naturally occurring flu viruses.
A year before the Swine Flu (H1N1) outbreak, Baxter International and other pharmaceutical companies applied for a patent for the same RNA sequence found in H1N1, proving Swine Flu was genetically engineered by the same people who are supposedly trying to prevent its spread. I can't find any evidence that an H1N1 RNA sequence patent was given to Baxter nor any other company [note: the patent has apparently been found, and it's not even close to what Jones described; you can find the details in this thread at the JREF forum]. But this sounds an awful lot like the work of A. True Ott, a "doctor" who has dipped his toe into many conspiracy pools (including Mormon Satanism and the profoundly retarded theory that digital converter boxes are rigged to spy on Americans). Ott believes that a 2005 flu vaccine patent granted to Novartis was actually for H1N1, a "reverse engineered" and patented virus created at Ft. Detrick (using the next generation of PROMIS software). Ott explains everything in this "scholarly" paper full of ALL CAPS.
Kurt Nimmo's Prison Planet story "Flu Pandemic Hype Another Pretext for Global Government" (Apr. 27/09) states that under the 2005 International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Flu adopted by the UN General Assembly, the U.S. will be controlled by the WHO, the WTO, the UN, and NAFTA during a pandemic. But a similar article by Nimmo posted at Infowars on July 27th mentions only FEMA, Homeland Security, and the military. WTF?
FEMA's NLE 09 exercise, conducted last month, was possibly a pandemic/martial law drill. It was a terrorism response drill. If you want to pretend it was something else, fine. Whatever.
A secret State of Texas memo leaked to Jones by an Austin city official states that "global martial law" will be instituted in the event of a pandemic. Until we get more information or see the actual document, this tidbit is basically worthless. What on earth is "global martial law" supposed to be? Who would enforce it, and how?
In his April 9/09 broadcast, Jones mentioned that the defunct Rocky Mountain News ran a story about a huge incinerator for human remains and mass graves being set up in the U.S. He didn't mention that he's been telling this story for five years. Nor did he mention that the incinerator is the Grand Junction incinerator set up by the University of Colorado to dispose of the heads of deer and elk with Mad Cow and wasting disease. It probably cannot be used as a crematorium for human remains during an epidemic; some question whether it's even effective against BSE and wasting disease.
The "mass graves" are a reference to the cemetery survey conducted in 2007.
Professor Eric Pianka said They want to use engineered Ebola to wipe out a large percentage of the population. Professor Pianka said he wanted to see naturally occurring Ebola wipe out a large percentage of the population. He didn't say it should be initiated by anyone. He was just expressing the commonly-held belief that the planet is ruinously overpopulated. While I don't wholly agree with his view, I see no reason to characterize Pianka as some sort of mad scientist training our young people to go out and kill - as Jones does. He points out that some of Pianka's former students work in bioweapons labs. Well, of course some of them do. They were biology students. Doy. Out of every batch of biology students leaving a major university, a few will go to the "dark side". And they wouldn't be getting their training from Pianka, anyway, because he's a herpetologist.
The UN Biological Diversity Assessment for 1996 stated the UN would use engineered flu virus to kill us. The UN's Biological Diversity Assessment, a global study involving 1500 scientists, was kind of a census of life on Earth. Its report, released in November 1995, placed the number of different species at around 13 million and noted that species are going extinct at a troubling rate. Though the report encouraged nations to preserve biodiversity to the greatest extent possible, there was nothing in it AT ALL about reducing the human population. Anyway, the U.S. has been notoriously uncooperative with global efforts to preserve biodiversity. Just one year before the UN report was issued, for instance, the Senate refused to ratify the Convention on Biodiversity treaty.
Jones isn't the only one propagating the Great Swine Flu Plot of '09. Catherine Austin Fitts states that in her opinion, the Swine Flu vaccine is part of a depopulation plot. A. True Ott concurs, as does Rebecca "Ghandi with Breasts" Carley. In fact, Dr. Deagle. Carley, and Ott have formed a team to oppose mandatory Swine Flu vaccination - not with good solid facts about the actual risks, but with conspiracy theories about a global depopulation agenda.
Step 1: In the fall, Swine Flu hysteria will serve as a distraction while the government sneaks in more bank bailouts, carbon taxation, the Clean Water Restoration Act, and the passage of hate crime legislation. Then forced inoculation will be introduced.
Step 2: Forced inoculation will result in riots all over the U.S., because people are too smart to take the shots voluntarily. The vaccine will not protect against Swine Flu; in fact, it was probably an experimental vaccine that was used to start the outbreaks in the first place.
Step 3: The rioting will give "Obama's thugs" (NORTHCOM and civilian service orgs like Americorps) the perfect excuse to institute and maintain nationwide martial law. Everything will be federalized.
Step 4: Under the direction of Obama's science czar, John Holdren, sterilizing agents will be placed in municipal water supplies.
Step 5: Dissidents will be rounded up and placed in FEMA concentration camps. The Constitution will cease to exist, and the U.S. will basically become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the UN.
Step 6: The real mass murder begins. 80-99% of the world's population will be eliminated via tainted vaccines, execution, forced abortions, and involuntary sterilization.
The Great Swine Flu Plot model Jones has crafted relies on the very shaky presumption
that any pandemic preparedness on the part of any government agency is bad, m'kay? This includes any cemetery preparedness. We should just let people die and rot where they drop, I guess.
Let's look at the other evidence Jones has amassed in support of his model, some of it supplied by guests:
Jones claims he predicted the flu pandemic on March 5th, after noticing that mass graves were being prepared at the National Memorial Cemetery in Pheonix and Houston National Cemetery. He has also noted that the New York Division of Cemeteries sent "Mass Fatality Forms" to cemeteries to collect data on their ability to deal with casualties of a flu pandemic or other disaster. However, this survey was conducted in 2007, and was spurred by concerns about an Avian Flu pandemic.
Kurt Nimmo of Infowars found it sinister that in Exeter, England, there are emergency plans to inter flu victims in old catacombs. Again, this was discussed as early as 2006, in relation to Avian Flu. The catacombs were orginally built for just such epidemics, by the way. Modern Englishmen aren't the only ones with the foresight to prepare for the worst...
There's nothing amazing about Jones "predicting" the pandemic in March, because pandemic concerns were being aired as early as January.
There's another problem with Jones' claim that he predicted Swine Flu. Quote: "Two months before 9/11 I said, 'The government's gonna blow up the World Trade Center and blame its asset, bin Laden.' I saw the preparation right out in the open!"
If you listen to the prediction made on July 25, 2001, you'll hear for yourself that he wasn't this specific. He did mention bin Laden, but he did not provide a timeframe, a target, or a means of attack. When he mentioned explosives, he was referring to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing. When he mentioned the World Trade Center, he was again referring to the '93 bombing.
And unless you're a Truther, you know that the World Trade Center was not blown up on 9/11.
There are more problems with the prediction. As critics of Jones have pointed out, conspiranoid broadcaster William Cooper gave an identical warning (mentioning bin Laden but not a specific target) a full month before Jones. You can hear Cooper's prediction 1:27 into this video.
Also, when he appeared on CNN to discuss Charlie Sheen's Trutheriness, Jones declared he "had intelligence" that the 9/11 attacks were going to occur, and that he was first person to expose 9/11. So which is it? Did he figure out that 9/11 was going to happen because he saw preparations "out in the open", or did he receive intel about it? And why does he claim to be the first person to expose the plot, when he probably knew (or at least knows by now) that he was not?
Forgive me, but I'm not placing much stock in Jones' predictive powers. He has said, "Everything I say comes true," but that doesn't seem to be the case at all. The vast majority of things he says don't come true.
On the show, F. William Engdahl claimed the H1N1 virus has not yet been isolated and examined. Paradoxically, guests Rima Laibow (a doctor specializing in nutrition and alien abduction, wife of Remote Viewing champion Albert Stubblebine) and Wayne Madsen said the virus shows signs of genetic engineering. Yet all three of them are incorrect. The virus has been examined, and is indistinguishable from naturally occurring flu viruses.
A year before the Swine Flu (H1N1) outbreak, Baxter International and other pharmaceutical companies applied for a patent for the same RNA sequence found in H1N1, proving Swine Flu was genetically engineered by the same people who are supposedly trying to prevent its spread. I can't find any evidence that an H1N1 RNA sequence patent was given to Baxter nor any other company [note: the patent has apparently been found, and it's not even close to what Jones described; you can find the details in this thread at the JREF forum]. But this sounds an awful lot like the work of A. True Ott, a "doctor" who has dipped his toe into many conspiracy pools (including Mormon Satanism and the profoundly retarded theory that digital converter boxes are rigged to spy on Americans). Ott believes that a 2005 flu vaccine patent granted to Novartis was actually for H1N1, a "reverse engineered" and patented virus created at Ft. Detrick (using the next generation of PROMIS software). Ott explains everything in this "scholarly" paper full of ALL CAPS.
Kurt Nimmo's Prison Planet story "Flu Pandemic Hype Another Pretext for Global Government" (Apr. 27/09) states that under the 2005 International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Flu adopted by the UN General Assembly, the U.S. will be controlled by the WHO, the WTO, the UN, and NAFTA during a pandemic. But a similar article by Nimmo posted at Infowars on July 27th mentions only FEMA, Homeland Security, and the military. WTF?
FEMA's NLE 09 exercise, conducted last month, was possibly a pandemic/martial law drill. It was a terrorism response drill. If you want to pretend it was something else, fine. Whatever.
A secret State of Texas memo leaked to Jones by an Austin city official states that "global martial law" will be instituted in the event of a pandemic. Until we get more information or see the actual document, this tidbit is basically worthless. What on earth is "global martial law" supposed to be? Who would enforce it, and how?
In his April 9/09 broadcast, Jones mentioned that the defunct Rocky Mountain News ran a story about a huge incinerator for human remains and mass graves being set up in the U.S. He didn't mention that he's been telling this story for five years. Nor did he mention that the incinerator is the Grand Junction incinerator set up by the University of Colorado to dispose of the heads of deer and elk with Mad Cow and wasting disease. It probably cannot be used as a crematorium for human remains during an epidemic; some question whether it's even effective against BSE and wasting disease.
The "mass graves" are a reference to the cemetery survey conducted in 2007.
Professor Eric Pianka said They want to use engineered Ebola to wipe out a large percentage of the population. Professor Pianka said he wanted to see naturally occurring Ebola wipe out a large percentage of the population. He didn't say it should be initiated by anyone. He was just expressing the commonly-held belief that the planet is ruinously overpopulated. While I don't wholly agree with his view, I see no reason to characterize Pianka as some sort of mad scientist training our young people to go out and kill - as Jones does. He points out that some of Pianka's former students work in bioweapons labs. Well, of course some of them do. They were biology students. Doy. Out of every batch of biology students leaving a major university, a few will go to the "dark side". And they wouldn't be getting their training from Pianka, anyway, because he's a herpetologist.
The UN Biological Diversity Assessment for 1996 stated the UN would use engineered flu virus to kill us. The UN's Biological Diversity Assessment, a global study involving 1500 scientists, was kind of a census of life on Earth. Its report, released in November 1995, placed the number of different species at around 13 million and noted that species are going extinct at a troubling rate. Though the report encouraged nations to preserve biodiversity to the greatest extent possible, there was nothing in it AT ALL about reducing the human population. Anyway, the U.S. has been notoriously uncooperative with global efforts to preserve biodiversity. Just one year before the UN report was issued, for instance, the Senate refused to ratify the Convention on Biodiversity treaty.
Jones isn't the only one propagating the Great Swine Flu Plot of '09. Catherine Austin Fitts states that in her opinion, the Swine Flu vaccine is part of a depopulation plot. A. True Ott concurs, as does Rebecca "Ghandi with Breasts" Carley. In fact, Dr. Deagle. Carley, and Ott have formed a team to oppose mandatory Swine Flu vaccination - not with good solid facts about the actual risks, but with conspiracy theories about a global depopulation agenda.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Jones' Vaccine Rant
I'm to the point of just not caring whether people are vaccinated or having their children vaccinated or not.
If you are so horrendously ignorant, paranoid, and misinformed that you honestly believe all vaccines are specifically designed to kill you rather than to prevent preventable diseases that actually could kill you, there's not much hope for you. That doesn't stop me from hoping that someday you will accidentally learn something about immunology and innoculation, stop being paranoid, and stop misinforming others - but it's turning into a slim hope.
Thanks, Alex Jones. Thanks, personal injury lawyers. Thanks, quacks who scare people away from science-based medicine in order to sell your bogus alternative health treatments and "cures". Thanks, Jenny McCarthy and all the other parents who can't accept that sometimes bad things happen to good people for no good reason. Because of your tireless efforts, the next generation may suffer polio paralysis, measles outbreaks, flu pandemics, and all the other wonderful stuff that vaccines "don't" keep at bay. I'm sure your mothers are proud.
If you are so horrendously ignorant, paranoid, and misinformed that you honestly believe all vaccines are specifically designed to kill you rather than to prevent preventable diseases that actually could kill you, there's not much hope for you. That doesn't stop me from hoping that someday you will accidentally learn something about immunology and innoculation, stop being paranoid, and stop misinforming others - but it's turning into a slim hope.
Thanks, Alex Jones. Thanks, personal injury lawyers. Thanks, quacks who scare people away from science-based medicine in order to sell your bogus alternative health treatments and "cures". Thanks, Jenny McCarthy and all the other parents who can't accept that sometimes bad things happen to good people for no good reason. Because of your tireless efforts, the next generation may suffer polio paralysis, measles outbreaks, flu pandemics, and all the other wonderful stuff that vaccines "don't" keep at bay. I'm sure your mothers are proud.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Nightmare Fuel
There's really nothing I can say to make this any less frightening or any more coherent. It's like somebody crossed a Juggalo with a John Bircher.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
25 More of the Strangest Things Said by Alex Jones
26. Multiculturalism was designed to create division and conflict.
27. Albert Pike was a Satanist who founded the KKK. (The Satanist part comes from the Taxil affair, an admitted hoax engineered to defame Catholics and Masons)
28. Manly P. Hall was a Freemason and a Satanist, proving the two practices are one and the same.
29. The CIA killed General Patton because he disapproved of Operation Keelhaul. (April 23/09 broadcast) The murder of Patton is a popular theory, but there's not enough evidence to prove it.
30. "Everything I say comes true."
31. On genetic modification: "They've got chimpanzee-humans, spider-humans, cow-humans, goat-humans..."
32. Whenever he talks about the Reichstag Fire (OFTEN), Jones mentions that accused arsonist Marinus van der Lubbe was "mentally retarded". Van der Lubbe was a gainfully employed politician and union activist, devoted Communist, and a native of the Netherlands who learned enough German to work and be politically active in Germany. His activities indicate average intelligence, at the very least. Ironically (given Jones' disdain for Communism), the rumour that van der Lubbe was in some way mentally unstable might have been started by Communists seeking to diminish his culpability.
33. Abraham Lincoln not only laid the foundation for the destruction of America, he was an occultist.
34. Magic Johnson took the cure for AIDS, but was told not to talk about it. (Magic Johnson never had AIDS; he is HIV positive. In fact, he was on Oprah earlier this week to talk about living with HIV.)
35. Government white papers say They're going to kill not just 80% of the population (as described in Endgame), but 99%. (Mar. 9/09 broadcast)
36. Geoengineering is part of the New World Order depopulation program. It will probably result in the death of all plants, because particles released into the atmosphere will block the sun's rays and they will no longer be able to photosynthesize. See #49.
37. If you videotape near the Pentagon, Army protective services will grab your camera, erase your footage, and hold a gun to your head.
38. Muslims attacked Serbs in Kosovo. "The news spun it and claimed the Serbs attacked the Muslims." (Dec. 9/08 broadcast) This is part of a larger conspiracy theory that Milosevic was a pretty nice guy, framed by Clinton and NATO. When he said he didn't know anything about Srebinica, he was being straight up.
39. "All children at birth will be injected [with vaccines]. If you don't like it, a SWAT team will murder you."
40. "They're putting mercury in high-fructose corn syrup." A recent study by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy did, indeed, find mercury in many processed foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup (not as much as they have found in fish). Where's the evidence that this contamination was intentional? Nowhere.
41. The military leaked a Pentagon document to the writers of The Matrix, as part of an effort to desensitize us to their plan to place us all in tanks and lock us into a hive mind.
42. In late 2001, Jones repeatedly predicted that limited nuclear warfare would erupt at any minute.
43. In 2005, Jones predicted that Arnold Schwarzenegger would be the hero of some staged crisis. "Arnold is gonna save children at a school shooting, or there'll be some type of bombing, and he will land by helicopter and run in and direct things. I predict it....I see it all aligning. I see it all coming together. I see their plan, clear as day.... He'll fly in and things will be burning and he'll run into it and save someone."
44. Most policemen are Communists, and they have threatened to kill Jones. "Do you know what it's like to know the cops are terrorists?"
45. "I have people telling me the European Union doesn't exist, and they're serious."
46. "I remember reading stuff written 80 years ago by the Dept. of War when they were hiring top psychiatrists on how [sic] to dumb down the population through the public, through the media, and how to break up the family and get rid of the middle classes..."
47. "You wanna know the New World Order ideology, what makes the globalists tick, what their philosophy is - you see The Watchmen [sic], you will know." (Mar. 9/09 broadcast)
48. On people with schizophrenia: ""They're inherently evil people. They call it 'psychological' or 'mental' - whatever, they're a demon. And that's the end of it." (April '09 broadcast)
49. "Photosynthesis, that's admitted. But they say photosynthesis isn't real. Someday plants will be a conspiracy theory. They won't exist anymore, and some kid will say, 'Mommy, did there used to be plants?'
'No, honey, that's Al-Qaeda.' "
50. The rescue of Jessica Lynch was scripted and directed by Jerry Bruckheimer. (Bruckheimer co-produced a series on the war in Afghanistan, but had nothing to do with Iraq. The Lynch story is already an egregious example of bogus war propaganda - why exaggerate it?)
27. Albert Pike was a Satanist who founded the KKK. (The Satanist part comes from the Taxil affair, an admitted hoax engineered to defame Catholics and Masons)
28. Manly P. Hall was a Freemason and a Satanist, proving the two practices are one and the same.
29. The CIA killed General Patton because he disapproved of Operation Keelhaul. (April 23/09 broadcast) The murder of Patton is a popular theory, but there's not enough evidence to prove it.
30. "Everything I say comes true."
31. On genetic modification: "They've got chimpanzee-humans, spider-humans, cow-humans, goat-humans..."
32. Whenever he talks about the Reichstag Fire (OFTEN), Jones mentions that accused arsonist Marinus van der Lubbe was "mentally retarded". Van der Lubbe was a gainfully employed politician and union activist, devoted Communist, and a native of the Netherlands who learned enough German to work and be politically active in Germany. His activities indicate average intelligence, at the very least. Ironically (given Jones' disdain for Communism), the rumour that van der Lubbe was in some way mentally unstable might have been started by Communists seeking to diminish his culpability.
33. Abraham Lincoln not only laid the foundation for the destruction of America, he was an occultist.
34. Magic Johnson took the cure for AIDS, but was told not to talk about it. (Magic Johnson never had AIDS; he is HIV positive. In fact, he was on Oprah earlier this week to talk about living with HIV.)
35. Government white papers say They're going to kill not just 80% of the population (as described in Endgame), but 99%. (Mar. 9/09 broadcast)
36. Geoengineering is part of the New World Order depopulation program. It will probably result in the death of all plants, because particles released into the atmosphere will block the sun's rays and they will no longer be able to photosynthesize. See #49.
37. If you videotape near the Pentagon, Army protective services will grab your camera, erase your footage, and hold a gun to your head.
38. Muslims attacked Serbs in Kosovo. "The news spun it and claimed the Serbs attacked the Muslims." (Dec. 9/08 broadcast) This is part of a larger conspiracy theory that Milosevic was a pretty nice guy, framed by Clinton and NATO. When he said he didn't know anything about Srebinica, he was being straight up.
39. "All children at birth will be injected [with vaccines]. If you don't like it, a SWAT team will murder you."
40. "They're putting mercury in high-fructose corn syrup." A recent study by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy did, indeed, find mercury in many processed foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup (not as much as they have found in fish). Where's the evidence that this contamination was intentional? Nowhere.
41. The military leaked a Pentagon document to the writers of The Matrix, as part of an effort to desensitize us to their plan to place us all in tanks and lock us into a hive mind.
42. In late 2001, Jones repeatedly predicted that limited nuclear warfare would erupt at any minute.
43. In 2005, Jones predicted that Arnold Schwarzenegger would be the hero of some staged crisis. "Arnold is gonna save children at a school shooting, or there'll be some type of bombing, and he will land by helicopter and run in and direct things. I predict it....I see it all aligning. I see it all coming together. I see their plan, clear as day.... He'll fly in and things will be burning and he'll run into it and save someone."
44. Most policemen are Communists, and they have threatened to kill Jones. "Do you know what it's like to know the cops are terrorists?"
45. "I have people telling me the European Union doesn't exist, and they're serious."
46. "I remember reading stuff written 80 years ago by the Dept. of War when they were hiring top psychiatrists on how [sic] to dumb down the population through the public, through the media, and how to break up the family and get rid of the middle classes..."
47. "You wanna know the New World Order ideology, what makes the globalists tick, what their philosophy is - you see The Watchmen [sic], you will know." (Mar. 9/09 broadcast)
48. On people with schizophrenia: ""They're inherently evil people. They call it 'psychological' or 'mental' - whatever, they're a demon. And that's the end of it." (April '09 broadcast)
49. "Photosynthesis, that's admitted. But they say photosynthesis isn't real. Someday plants will be a conspiracy theory. They won't exist anymore, and some kid will say, 'Mommy, did there used to be plants?'
'No, honey, that's Al-Qaeda.' "
50. The rescue of Jessica Lynch was scripted and directed by Jerry Bruckheimer. (Bruckheimer co-produced a series on the war in Afghanistan, but had nothing to do with Iraq. The Lynch story is already an egregious example of bogus war propaganda - why exaggerate it?)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
25 of the Strangest Things Said by Alex Jones
I've provided broadcast dates when possible. Some of the undated statements are ones that Jones has repeated again and again.
1. According to government documents from the 1960s, the Anglo-Saxon Protestant work ethic, along with international WASP cooperation, was eradicated by "the Zion". Until that time, WASP countries were highly productive and largely free of corruption, while non-WASP countries were in decline because of corruption.
Most of this incoherent rant was prompted by a survey of U.S. schoolchildren, showing that cheating and stealing and lying is common among them. Jones didn't note that one third of the kids also admitted they lied on the survey itself...
2. Foreigners like Arnold Schwarzenegger should not be allowed to hold public office in the U.S. This includes Americans with Israeli citizenship.
3. Arabs own Hollywood.
4. Obama is secretly Muslim and will usher in "Black Identity/Nation of Islam" terrorism and persecution against whites. (November '08 interview of Ron Paul)
5. "Rebellion against tyranny. Rosa Parks stuff." - comment made to a boy who received in-school suspension for refusing to remove his "9/11 is an inside job" T-shirt. (Dec. 29/08 broadcast)
6. "We know the Freemasons at the highest levels worship Lucifer, they say that in their own writings."
7. All U.S. capitol buildings are Babylonian/Egyptian structures designed by occultists. (July 8/08 broadcast)
8. Foster children are being killed with radiation and chemicals.
9. "Barack Obama will probably be the president that has me arrested." (Nov. '08 interview of Ron Paul)
10. Aldous Huxley admitted the brainwashing techniques in Brave New World were drawn from actual elite plans for humanity, told to him by brother Julian. (Coast to Coast AM, Nov. 6/7, 2007)
11. Bertrand Russell suggested thinning the population by putting mercury into vaccines. (Coast to Coast AM, Nov. 6/7, 2007). Actually, Russell was warning of such things. He also predicted bacteriological warfare, infanticide, destructive wars, and general misery. In short, he was a little like Alex Jones. Only brilliant.
12. There are no safe vaccines. Vaccines are a "modern Holocaust". Vaccines cause autism. "That's a fact." (interview by Kevin Bates)
13. Each and every member of the U.S. military is injected with aggressive cancer viruses via vaccines intentionally designed to kill them.
14. Chemtrails are part of the depopulation agenda.
15. His IQ was lowered by at least 25 points thanks to childhood consumption of fluoridated tapwater. "A shadow of who I would have been calls out from the grave." (I have to admit, I think the world would be a better place if Alex Jones was slightly smarter.)
16. Mumbai was a Western attack designed to trigger WWIII.
17. After the former chief of Pakistan's intelligence agency (the ISI) Hamid Gul said Mumbai and 9/11 were perpetrated by "neocons and Zionists" in Dec. '08, Jones complained that Gul's CNN interview was "heavily edited", and that it is "childish" to accept Gul's remarks and similar allegations as anti-Semitic; that's merely a media divide-and-conquer ploy that "sophisticated and nuanced" people like himself reject.
18. "Everything is false flag! Everything revolves around it!"
19. The '93 World Trade Center bombers were recruited and led (not just infiltrated) by FBI informant Emad Salem. The men he selected were all "submental", "listed by the city as low-grade morons" with IQs of 80 or less. In reality, Yousef and Abouhalima attended university. Funder Khalid Shaikh Mohammed has a mechanical engineering degree. Even the driver, Eyad Ismoil, studied engineering at Witchita State University. Nidal Ayyad had a degree in chemical engineering from Rutgers.
20. The New World Order elite might fake a UFO landing with the Pentagon's "giant hologram projection system" as yet another excuse for martial law.
21. People are being arrested for growing aloe vera.
22. U.S. soldiers have made a hobby of throwing Iraqi children off bridges.
23. The Port Arthur massacre in Australia was "clearly staged" to usher in tougher gun control.
24. GMO crops are killing honeybees.
25. MSG causes obesity and should be banned.
1. According to government documents from the 1960s, the Anglo-Saxon Protestant work ethic, along with international WASP cooperation, was eradicated by "the Zion". Until that time, WASP countries were highly productive and largely free of corruption, while non-WASP countries were in decline because of corruption.
Most of this incoherent rant was prompted by a survey of U.S. schoolchildren, showing that cheating and stealing and lying is common among them. Jones didn't note that one third of the kids also admitted they lied on the survey itself...
2. Foreigners like Arnold Schwarzenegger should not be allowed to hold public office in the U.S. This includes Americans with Israeli citizenship.
3. Arabs own Hollywood.
4. Obama is secretly Muslim and will usher in "Black Identity/Nation of Islam" terrorism and persecution against whites. (November '08 interview of Ron Paul)
5. "Rebellion against tyranny. Rosa Parks stuff." - comment made to a boy who received in-school suspension for refusing to remove his "9/11 is an inside job" T-shirt. (Dec. 29/08 broadcast)
6. "We know the Freemasons at the highest levels worship Lucifer, they say that in their own writings."
7. All U.S. capitol buildings are Babylonian/Egyptian structures designed by occultists. (July 8/08 broadcast)
8. Foster children are being killed with radiation and chemicals.
9. "Barack Obama will probably be the president that has me arrested." (Nov. '08 interview of Ron Paul)
10. Aldous Huxley admitted the brainwashing techniques in Brave New World were drawn from actual elite plans for humanity, told to him by brother Julian. (Coast to Coast AM, Nov. 6/7, 2007)
11. Bertrand Russell suggested thinning the population by putting mercury into vaccines. (Coast to Coast AM, Nov. 6/7, 2007). Actually, Russell was warning of such things. He also predicted bacteriological warfare, infanticide, destructive wars, and general misery. In short, he was a little like Alex Jones. Only brilliant.
12. There are no safe vaccines. Vaccines are a "modern Holocaust". Vaccines cause autism. "That's a fact." (interview by Kevin Bates)
13. Each and every member of the U.S. military is injected with aggressive cancer viruses via vaccines intentionally designed to kill them.
14. Chemtrails are part of the depopulation agenda.
15. His IQ was lowered by at least 25 points thanks to childhood consumption of fluoridated tapwater. "A shadow of who I would have been calls out from the grave." (I have to admit, I think the world would be a better place if Alex Jones was slightly smarter.)
16. Mumbai was a Western attack designed to trigger WWIII.
17. After the former chief of Pakistan's intelligence agency (the ISI) Hamid Gul said Mumbai and 9/11 were perpetrated by "neocons and Zionists" in Dec. '08, Jones complained that Gul's CNN interview was "heavily edited", and that it is "childish" to accept Gul's remarks and similar allegations as anti-Semitic; that's merely a media divide-and-conquer ploy that "sophisticated and nuanced" people like himself reject.
18. "Everything is false flag! Everything revolves around it!"
19. The '93 World Trade Center bombers were recruited and led (not just infiltrated) by FBI informant Emad Salem. The men he selected were all "submental", "listed by the city as low-grade morons" with IQs of 80 or less. In reality, Yousef and Abouhalima attended university. Funder Khalid Shaikh Mohammed has a mechanical engineering degree. Even the driver, Eyad Ismoil, studied engineering at Witchita State University. Nidal Ayyad had a degree in chemical engineering from Rutgers.
20. The New World Order elite might fake a UFO landing with the Pentagon's "giant hologram projection system" as yet another excuse for martial law.
21. People are being arrested for growing aloe vera.
22. U.S. soldiers have made a hobby of throwing Iraqi children off bridges.
23. The Port Arthur massacre in Australia was "clearly staged" to usher in tougher gun control.
24. GMO crops are killing honeybees.
25. MSG causes obesity and should be banned.