Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Repost

I posted this at Swallowing the Camel around this time last year:

I listen to Mr. Jones once or twice a week, which is about all I can handle. Any more of the guy and I'd laugh myself to death. But even I'm not laughing at him much these days. I can't even giggle when I realize that I am witnessing the last threads of sanity being plucked from the angry sweater that is Alex Jones' psyche.

Much as I hate to give Jones any credit, I think he has done such a fine job of indoctrinating his listeners that he has actually become dangerous.
? How could an intellectually challenged, woefully misinformed Angry Redneck Suburban White Guy with a Message, having just a radio show and a handful of shoestring "documentaries" to his dubious credit, be dangerous? Well, I think anyone who tells you to avoid vaccinations, tapwater, non-organic food, soy products, and police officers could be dangerous. All of these things are good for you, in moderation.

Jones has lost his ability to reason, if indeed he ever possessed it in the first place. During today's broadcast, he declared that every single U.S. serviceman is injected with very aggressive cancer viruses as part of the New World Order's "eugenics" program. Eugenics is the practice of selective breeding to bring out desirable characteristics, but Jones has broadened the term to mean "killing everyone for no apparent reason." Common sense should tell him that indiscriminate mass killing of Americans would not benefit Them; it would destroy Their tax base and reduce the number of consumers, possibly even collapse the economy. Hasn't he noticed that the neocons urge women to squirt out as many kids as possible, to financially compensate for the imminent decline in Boomers? Hasn't he seen the horrifying effects of fertility treatments? Does he not realize that lifespans and quality of healthcare are increasing throughout the developed world? And that unvaccinated people suffer and die from diseases that could be prevented by vaccines, while vaccinated people do not suffer and die from diseases that are prevented by vaccines?


Instead, he sobs, "It's eugenics", then - turning on an emotional dime - screams, "Please do not laugh at me, officers!... I used to be dumb, too, and I love you. Remember I warned you." He informs us that entire military units will soon be dying from vaccines. "You are all going to die." Break for Prison Planet online store commercial.

This meltdown was followed by half an hour of grunting, groaning, snorting, and sighing as Jones tore into each and every one of the people who phoned to pledge their undying fealty to him. One caller earned his exasperation by being from Alaska. Another frustrated him to the point of apoplexy for suggesting a modest outlay of cash for some extra media exposure. And all incurred his wrath by talking about "this or that" while not caring enough about the real issues - like foster children being killed with radiation and chemicals (no source given, of course), like the creation of AIDS, like the symbol on Obama's private plane that proves he's a globalist in thrall to the New World Order agenda...
"It's a world of YOU KNOW WHAT!" Jones bellows in disgust. "The average person is duplicitous, greedy scum. And you people with your namby-pamby this-or-that... like this NESARA bull... there is no knight in shining armor! You have to save yourselves!"

After a few commercial breaks, Jones calms down enough to explain his outbursts as a bout of depression, something that strikes him on-air "only" once a month or so. He becomes so disgusted by the NWO agenda, he says, that the bottom just falls out and he is overwhelmed by the "maggot-covered decay" that surrounds him, by the "giggling Yuppies" who refuse to take him seriously. An "epiphany" has made him realize that he simply can't articulate the "kaleidoscope of ideas" he has, so he becomes emotionally overloaded with the "wonder of God's creation... covered with crap!"
Essentially, he feels that he is a lone voice in the wilderness, and that he is shouldering too much of the responsibility for the salvation of all mankind. It's time for others to step up and do their part by plastering their communities with bumper stickers and warning their neighbors away from the IQ-devouring scourge that is tapwater.

This rare moment of insight ends seconds later, when Jones again begins ranting and sobbing about "vaccines causing autism in little children - that's a fact", about our "sexual congress with evil... [our] golem-like abandon", about the "rockabilly art types" (no, I don't know either), and about those who criticize him. This rant is punctuated by a sustained "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG!"

"I watch you drink out of those dark cups... and I cry for you.
My fruits are legion. And they are good.
I don't have ego anymore. I have the power of will that is mistaken for ego.
We are on a planet."

He reiterates an earlier statement that the NWO will probably kill him. They already listen to all his phone calls and threaten his wife. He then goes on to literally rebuke his enemies, old school televangelist-style, and to warn us away from the "key things" that the NWO is using to destroy our minds and bodies: sodium fluoride, vaccines, cell phones, GMO foods, TV, and "dangerous brainwashing movies like Batman", ending on the televangelistic note, "Be born again. Unlock your psyche."

Break to an ad that urges listeners to download Jones' program to their iPhones.


  1. Ah, the crazy.

    In his mind he's dangerous to the elite and the NWO, but:
    "I think anyone who tells you to avoid vaccinations, tapwater, non-organic food, soy products, and police officers could be dangerous."
    Exactly. He's dangerous to individuals. To ordinary people who are in some way vulnerable to his message.

    But of course, that doesn't put him in the heroic role of his imagination.

  2. Wow. An entire blog dedicated to Alex Jones. Well, I guess everyone with too much free time needs a hobby.

  3. Yeah. Much as people with too much free time need to comment anonymously on blogs for absolutely no reason at all.

  4. It's actually kind of sad. I mean, this man obviously has SEVERE mental health problems. Jones has clearly gone past mere delusional thinking and leapt screaming over the fence into utter psychosis. In the past, he would never have found a voice, just like the other disturbed people online, but now people with deep-seated mental issues and a fundamental distrust of government/society/culture in various forms can not only be heard, they can serve as a sounding board for each others issues, thus increasing their collective problems. It would be pitiable but not particularly noteworthy, if these people didn't have such an influence in politics and such easy access to weapons.
