Or did he just eat a lot of popcorn, run to the john numerous times, then make up a bunch of s*** when he got home? Here's Part I of his analysis of the film...
Watchmen is a lot like Rorschach's blots: You see what you want to see.
In all fairness, I should point out that Jones's interpretation of the film isn't unique. I've come to the disappointing conclusion that many moviegoers are not getting Watchmen, a superhero movie without any superheroes in it. Alan Moore just doesn't translate well to Hollywoodese, I guess.
Jones: "Let's be clear, here. I'm not a big comic fan..."
That will become obvious.
Jones: "Art mimics life, life mimics...uh...of course, mimics...art itself, so that goes vice-versa."
With you so far.
Jones: "I've done some basic research on the creator of Watchmen, Alan Moore, who is a Mason and into all this Illuminati-type stuff." Later he says Moore "writes other comics, like Sandmen [sic] and others".
If paying homage to a snake-god of ancient Rome is "Illuminati-type stuff", then fine. But Moore is not a Mason. Even if he had been a Mason, they would have booted him in the '90s, when From Hell came out. Numerous websites maintained by Masons contain rebuttals of From Hell and Masonic Ripper theories.
Moore is deeply anti-Establishment. He's an anarchist, a hater of fascism, and most of his work incorporates conspiracy theories about the elite, usually involving horrific crimes. He's a bit like Jones, only brilliant.
Sandman is Neil Gaiman. Also not a Mason.
Jones: "I've skimmed the book."
I know. Try reading it next time.
Jones: In the novel, Ozymandias has the Eye of Horus, or Lucifer, on his breastplate.
If anyone is, Set is Lucifer.
Jones: "It is an Illuminati New World Order threat to all of humanity...the psychopaths love to let the public know what they're planning and what they're doing, and they believes it gives them magical powers, they call it 'lesser magic', to advertise what they're doing and how they operate."
Straight from the mouth of Jordan Maxwell.
Jones: "It's all about false-flag terrorism and how good it is." He thinks Ozymandias (whom he refers to as "Ozymandamus" all but one time) is the hero of the film.
Just the opposite. Please watch again and pay attention this time. Notice that Ozymandias, who barely has any screentime, is portrayed from the git-go as a haughty, preening sellout. Notice that in the end, the cycle of confrontation that created the global nuclear standoff begins to build up again, because "nothing ever ends." Ozy's final solution was anything but final.
This would be clearer if the sub-story, Tales of the Black Freighter, was included in the film. Or if Jones bothered to read the book.
Jones: Rorschach is the most sympathetic character and the only one who knows what's going on, yet the other characters make fun of him. You know, like Jones.
Um. Did you notice that when Rorschach wondered why everyone isn't as well-adjusted as he is, the whole audience laughed?
Yeah, Rorschach killed some baddies, but he also killed people for looking at him funny. He's got a serious case of Bickle Syndrome.
If you resemble any character in the novel, Jones, it would be the New Frontiersman editor. The ranting, raging, self-righteous Commie-hater who consistently gets things very wrong.
Jones: Spiritually, Dr. Manhattan is Lucifer's (Ozymandias's) twin brother.
Jones: "Most of these big national serial killer operations are done by cults, and that's come out."
Only according to Maury Terry, Dave McGowan, and a few others who promote conspiracy theories as thin as the paper on which they're written. And of course the killers themselves.
"I've skimmed the book." Translation: I looked at the pictures.
ReplyDeleteI was all set to point out that Gaiman wrote Sandman, but you beat me to it.
Your brother would just LOVE to set Jones straight on this topic!
"It's a New World Order threat..."
ReplyDelete"They just love to advertise what they're doing..."
Hahaha! Jones really can't tell fantasy from reality, eh? Didn't someone predict that his crowd would declare "Watchmen" to be "based on real events"? (Or perhaps they were already saying that before the film was released?)
No surprise that he liked Rorschach...conspiranoids with psycopathic tendencies often seem to harbor infantile vigilante-wannabe fantasies about themselves.
Does he see a conspiracy theory in everything? I've never understood the conspiracy theorists' perception that symbols are evidence.
ReplyDeleteIn an irrelevant side note, I'm glad to see Wikipedia has increased the quality of the NWO article: they added a Criticism section.
If you think his Watchman criticism is bad, you should hear what he has to say about Brave New World. He thinks Julian Huxley spilled the beans about the NWO plot to his brother over coffee or something, and Aldous just wrote it down more or less verbatim and sold it as "fiction". Not much different from Lyndon LaRouche's idea that BNW is interpreted as a dystopian novel only in the States; everywhere else, it's accepted as a straightforward "mass organizing document".
ReplyDeleteActually, the "Horus/Lucifer" correlation is fairly valid...especially when you consider that Horus was a Sky God and Lucifer was the "Morning Star"(or Day Star, or Shining One, or Shining Star) in the Bible, and who was originally more of an admonition against haughtiness and false pride in earthly works that were ultimately doomed to forgotten obscurity & futile obsolesence, no matter how far-reaching or long-lasting(a la the *original* Ozymandias' "look ye mighty and weep"-type reference by Percy Bysshe Shelley), ie: God and his plans are larger than any man can fathom("Nothing ever ends, Adrian"), and any man who thinks otherwise is doomed to failure and disappointment.
ReplyDeleteLucifer's association with Satan/the Devil/the Underworld came later(they're very distinct and separate from each other otherwise) and that is the only real connection that he possibly has to Set...going through the exact same demonization process to arrive at being a "bad guy"(with Set himself being associated with the definitely bad Greek Typhon). Set is actually much more of a good/hero character who happens to be at odds with other similar-minded heroes otherwise...to the point where he actually stands alongside his brother Horus in crowning some Pharaohs.