Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Obama Deception Director Alex Jones Reaches Out to Obama Supporters"

And Obama supporters promptly file restraining orders.

But seriously, at least he has enough sense to leave the birth certificate and "closet Muslim" nonsense out of his latest *documentary*. He even admits "We can't prove that." does he mention these issues as facts on his show, then? Around the time of Obama's inauguration, he baldly stated on-air that Obama is a Muslim who will usher in "Black Identity/Nation of Islam" persecution of white Americans. He has frequently stated as fact that Obama was not born in Hawaii. And even though Ron Paul told Jones's listeners in November '08 that Obama is in the pocket of big business and Jones agreed with him, Jones still warns that Obama will be using socialism as a stepping-stone to U.S. Communism (make up your mind, man!). He also tells listeners that Obama was pre-selected and groomed to become President and to usher in the long-awaited New World Order: FEMA concentration camps, martial law, "unmitigated depression", execution of dissidents, etc. "Obama will probably be the president who has me arrested," he has said.
Obviously, Jones considers this material good enough to use on thousands of radio listeners, but not good enough for a *documentary*. Interesting.


  1. Just found your blog from a link at Screw Loose Change . Glad I did !

  2. And Alex Jones doesn't know that Islam and the Nation of Islam are in fact two different religions... why am I not surprised?

  3. Coverage of this blog has been started at:

  4. "And even though Ron Paul told Jones's listeners in November '08 that Obama is in the pocket of big business and Jones agreed with him, Jones still warns that Obama will be using socialism as a stepping-stone to U.S. Communism (make up your mind, man!)."

    It's not only Alex Jones who contradicted himself. It's also a contradiction by Ron Paul, who continued calling Obama a socialist at CPAC.

  5. I'm confused. WHY would Bill Giltner call you a friend?

  6. When, exactly, did Ron Paul become bats** insane? Was he always that way and I just didn't notice?

    Mom, it's just that "" isn't catchy.
