Thursday, April 25, 2013

Can Alex Jones Spot a Patsy?

These days, it is remarkably difficult to frame someone for a criminal act and get away with it for any appreciable length of time. Sooner or later, an astute journalist or filmmaker or lovelorn correspondent is going to realize that the wrong person is in prison, and they're going to attempt to do something about it. Thanks to the efforts of groups like the Innocence Project, false convictions in the U.S. are being overturned at record pace. In Canada, vigilant media outlets like the fifth estate have turned the falsely convicted into household names, raising awareness of shoddy investigative techniques and bogus expert testimony. In fact, even if a convict is guilty as all hell, a William F. Buckley might step in and persuade the public - and, more importantly, the parole board - that They Got the Wrong Guy. Patsies are certainly not a thing of the past, but it is now harder than ever to sustain a fraudulent case against a suspect.

How ironic, then, that Alex Jones and company have convinced a huge number of us that we live in the Age of the Patsy. Crazy gunmen are actually mind-controlled assassins, racist lunatic bombers are just drugged-up scapegoats, and homicidal hijackers don't even exist.
I've noticed a very interesting thing about Jones and patsies, though. I've mentioned it several times already (notably here), and recent events have reinforced my suspicions in a powerful way.
Here's the deal: If a suspect is thought to be right-wing, like the Boston bomb suspects, Jones will almost immediately denounce the entire case as a false flag operation engineered by one or more government entities (or, in non-U.S. cases like Norway, "globalists" - a handy umbrella term for anyone who does anything Jones doesn't like). But if the suspect appears to have left-leaning tendencies, like ricin-mailing suspect Paul Curtis, Jones and Infowars will float the official story with few questions asked. This was the case with James Lee, who burst into the offices of the Discovery Channel in 2010 and threatened to kill staff members for the corporation's alleged failure to adequately address climate change and environmental pollution. It was also the case with Arizona gunman Jared Loughner, whom Jones denounced as an "abortion-loving atheist" and Infowars declared as fitting into the "classic satanic/vampire cult wannabe mould" (whatever that is). Jones suggested these men could be under the influence of mind control and psychotropic drugs, but didn't refer to them as patsies or try to convince us they were the victims of government blackmail.

On that note, let's take a closer look at how Jones handled the recent ricin mailings and the Boston bombings.

Boston: Barely half an hour after the first reports of bomb blasts, Jones tweets his suspicion that this was a false flag event. Later, Infowars articles tie events in Boston to foiled terrorist plots in which the FBI was involved, and Jones declares the FBI his #1 suspect. Jones predicts that pro-gun advocates like Oath Keepers will be framed for the attack.
Ricin: Responding to reports that letters thought to contain ricin were intercepted en route to President Obama, a Mississippi judge, and Senator Roger Wicker, a Prison Planet article argues that Wicker, as a Republican supporter of Second Amendment rights, was not the victim of right-wing gun nuts (as some media commentators speculated). The article suggests They will attempt to link the ricin letters to Boston.

Boston: In numerous articles, Infowars casts doubt on what the media has to say about the "patsy" suspects. At one point, they even question whether Tamerlan Tsarnaev actually died or not, pointing to grainy unsourced footage of a naked man being detained by police.

Ricin: On the day of Curtis' arrest, Infowars publishes a single article about the ricin mailing, titled "Ricin Arrest: Suspect Appears to Be a Mentally Unstable Democrat". The article does not contradict or question mainstream media reports, and plays up a vaguely anti-gun comment that Curtis once left on HuffPo. There is no longer any suggestion that the ricin mailings could be part of a false flag operation.

Boston: Infowars publishes photos of two "suspects". Though these two men are not doing anything particularly suspicious in the photos, Jones insists they are either military contractors employed by Craft International or Navy SEALs, and that they are much stronger suspects than the Tsarnaev brothers. Jones continues to bang the drum about these two men despite the fact that he is fully aware of the dangers of fingering innocent people.
Ricin: Not a single alternative suspect is presented.

Boston: Jones theorizes the bombings were just an excuse to give the TSA increased powers and enable gun control.

Ricin: After the arrest of Curtis, no alternative theories are presented.

Boston: Jones gradually adds the CIA and other entities to his list of suspects. He continues to refer to the Tsarnaevs as patsies, but admits they might have been involved in some capacity.
Ricin: Still no alternative suspects. Infowars reposts an extremely brief story about Curtis' release without additional comment.

Paul "Kevin" Curtis looked like a pretty good suspect. An Elvis impersonator with a penchant for conspiracy theories, he supposedly used his own initials and a favourite quote in the ricin letters. Even his friends complained about his erratic and obnoxious behaviour. For the past 12 years, he has been zealously trying to expose an alleged organ-harvesting operation, claiming he was wrongfully fired from a custodial job at North Mississippi Medical Center after he found a severed head and other body parts in a morgue refrigerator. The guy is clearly a few croutons short of a salad, and Alex Jones has no love for the mentally ill.
But Curtis was not the guy. He was a patsy. Someone carefully culled information from his many Facebook posts and other online ramblings in order to incriminate him. Because Curtis had previously sent letters about organ harvesting to Sen. Wicker and several other politicians, the lookalike ricin letters quickly made him the prime suspect. There is one suspected culprit in this frame-up job, but to date there have been no other arrests in the case.
How is it that Alex Jones, with his amazing predictive powers and psychic ability, completely missed this? And just why was the Infowars crew so quick to accept mainstream media reports about Curtis, while simultaneously challenging each and every media report about Boston?
I won't answer that. As they say in the conspiracy world, I'm only asking questions.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston: Everyone is a Patsy

Yesterday, Infowars was miffed that the FBI ignored "their" two suspects (either Navy SEALs or contractors with Craft International) and instead published photos of two "patsy" suspects.
In a video made early this morning (around 5:00 CST), Jones boasted that Infowars would soon release the name of the suspect who remains at large, thanks to the efforts of Anonymous. But Jones was clearly not in possession of that name yet, because he went on to speculate about the nationality/ethnicity of the two men. First he said, “These guys kind of look like Israelis. I’m not saying Israel is involved in it, we don’t have any evidence of that. It’s just that they kind of look Israeli.” Then he said they could be “North African” or “Spanish Muslims.”
Jones touted his suspects again, but then marginalized them by saying they, too, were "patsies" put into place by whoever did the actual bombing. Beyond "the FBI", Jones has not identified who did the actual bombing.

A few hours later, the FBI released the names of the suspects: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev (deceased). Infowars did not beat the FBI to the punch, and to date, I have found no evidence that Anonymous was in possession of either of these names. The names Anonymous tweeted early this morning were not the correct ones.

Bizarrely, Jones commented about halfway through his video, "MSNBC and the White House will be upset, though, turns out to be a real group of foreigners that attacked us, 'cause they won't get to go after the Tea Party..."
Here, Jones seems to be saying the White House is not calling the shots in this "false flag operation". The FBI is fully in charge. He is also admitting - tacitly - that his predictions were wrong (or as he puts it, the FBI changed the storyline). No one blamed him, Oath Keepers, Tea Party members, or gun-rights advocates for the Boston bombings. There was vague talk about "right-wing extremists" among media commentators, and little else. In fact, the public has been pretty evenly divided between those who suspected Middle Eastern involvement and those who felt the bombings were domestic.

The primary purpose of the bombings, Jones maintains, is to give the TSA increased powers. I don't know why that couldn't be done without a bombing, but I'm not the expert. Jones is. He knew exactly what was going on. Sure, the Great Tea Partier Frameup of 2010 didn't happen, and The Great Tea Partier Frameup of 2013 was a bust, and none of the "false flags" of the past two years has been directly connected to Patriots, but one of these false flag ops has to be a Tea Partier frameup, right?

Update: As of 6:44 PM (CST), Infowars has still not posted anything about the boat standoff occurring in Watertown. But they have posted an indignant article claiming that Facebook is blocking re-posts of "their" suspects. This turned out to be untrue; I was able to re-post the article on two separate Facebook groups after Facebook supposedly started blocking it (see the Leaving Alex Jonestown FB page). 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Boston Bomb Drill

In the last post, I gave you a quick rundown of the Boston theories Infowars has presented thus far. I deliberately left out their "best evidence", however, because that requires a post all its own. So here it is. 

As you probably know, one of the most popular theories about 9/11, 7/7, and other "false flag events" is that training exercises and emergency drills were deliberately conducted in proximity to the events in order to create confusion, delay emergency response, and provide an excuse for perps to be in the area. Infowars tried to claim that such a drill was carried out just two days before the Norway attacks, but that turned out to be a fluke (the drill was actually conducted over two years earlier).

On the day of the Boston bombings, Infowars and Natural News reported that another of these fake drills was taking place at the marathon, with bomb-sniffing dogs stationed at the start and finish lines. Most damning of all, public announcements were warning the crowds to stay calm before the bombs went off, assuring everyone that any disturbance or increased security presence was merely part of a "training exercise".
Let me rephrase that. It would be damning, if Natural News and Infowars could get their stories to sync and could offer more than a single source of information. NN reported the drill warning was given after the bombs went off, while Infowars reported it was given prior to the explosions. Both reports cite the same source, University of Mobile running coach Alastair Stevenson. It seems the Infowars report might be the more accurate of the two, as another source indicates Stevenson was just returning to the area when the explosions occurred. In this account, Stevenson heard the warnings about a training exercise when he started the race.
The presence of a bomb squad and bomb-sniffing dogs at the start line seems peculiar, especially in light of the fact that the Boston Police Commissioner stated police had “no specific intelligence” there was a drill being conducted that day.
So far, however, Mr. Stevenson is the one and only witness to report seeing bomb-sniffing dogs prior to the bomb blasts. Any story that relies on a single source for its very existence is weak, to say the least.

Boston Not-so-solved

The FBI, Navy SEALs, high school student, cartoon writers conspired to take away your guns, even though no one is taking away your guns.
Don't worry. 4Chan is on the case.

It has now been well over 72 hours since the Boston bombings, and no one has attempted to place the blame Jones, Oath Keepers, or Patriots, as Jones predicted.
Jones is now blaming the FBI, and Infowars is promoting the idea that the case has already been solved by armchair detectives. Infowars: "4Chan posted dozens of photos showing Navy Seal or Private Security personnel carrying the same black back packs which are the same style backpacks showed in FBI photos." The New York Post did something similar yesterday, posting a photo of two young "suspects" standing in the crowd. There are currently reports that one of these "suspects" might be a Boston high school student
The two "Navy suspects" shown on Infowars are not the same two guys from the Post article, and the two men the FBI identified as suspects today are two entirely different people. We're dealing with three separate pairs of young men, yet Infowars is crowing, "Quite possibly, Infowars, with help from crowd sourced sites and a treasure trove of independent photos, may have held a huge part in destroying the official narrative the government intended to run with." Just how Infowars would know what investigators "intended to run with" is unclear. Jones said on Monday that They would try to pin the blame on gun-rights advocates, members of Oath Keepers, and/or Jones himself, but to date no one has attempted to blame any of these parties. No "official" narrative of any sort has emerged, in fact.
As of 5:50 CST, Infowars is still touting the possible high school student and the guy in the white hat as strong suspects, and in one of its lead articles brags that the "police confirm Infowars photos of Boston suspects". They're conflating these two "suspects" with the men in the FBI photos. Confused yet? Well, don't worry. Infowars clearly was, too. In a more recent post, an Infowars writer complains that the FBI has "ignored" their suspects of choice, referring to the men in the FBI photos as "patsies". But why would the Infowars "suspects", plucked from the crowd almost at random because they wore backpacks and appeared non-Caucasian, be more valid than the FBI guys - also non-whites with backpacks? The FBI claims to have video footage of one man setting down a backpack close to one of the blast sites. Infowars can make no such claim. They only have still photos that show nothing particularly incriminating.

Jones also jumped on the "predictive programming" in an episode of Family Guy, which featured Peter Griffin running over Boston Marathon runners with a car and (in a separate scene) setting off bombs with his cell phone. Someone cleverly edited the two scenes to make them look like one, and this trickery was exposed almost immediately. But some theorists still consider it suspicious.
Bizarrely, no one ever demands the arrests of these "predictive programmers". If Jones was right about this predictive programming in cartoons, Matt Groening and Mike Judge should be in jail.

I find it peculiar that Infowars is ignoring the massive blast in Texas. Is this event not false-flaggy enough to warrant the slightest bit of attention?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston: Solved

Half an hour after today's bomb explosions in Boston, Jones or someone in his camp was tweeting "this thing stinks to high heaven #falseflag". This is quite remarkable, given that it took him at least three hours to figure out that he "predicted" the James Stack airplane attack in Austin in February 2010, and at least 24 hours to figure out that he had "predicted" the Norway massacre.
By the time I tuned in to his show at around 2:30, he was wailing that the media might try to pin this on him (for demanding a new 1776 on Piers Morgan's show), and/or blame Oath Keepers. He thinks They will tie the bombing in to gun owners.
He says Salon is already "blaming" him, but that's not true. They're doing the same thing I'm doing at this very moment; documenting the creation of his latest false flag/frameup theory.
Have Oath Keepers been blamed for anything? Ever?

Now they're chitchatting about a banned Little Red Riding Hood book, and barely seem interested in reports of a suspect being in custody.

Jones points to CNN mentioning "right-wing extremists" as the start of the frameup. He failed to mention that this was editorial commentary by Peter Bergen, and that Bergen mentioned other suspects first. He said, "One of the things that I'd be looking at, once the device, if it is a device, is found, what kind of explosives were used. If it, for instance, if it was hydrogen peroxide, sort of a signature of Al Qaeda. If it was more conventional explosives, which are much harder to get hold of now, it might be some other kind of right wing extremists...
We've also seen other extremist groups, right wing groups, attacking, for instance, trying to attack the Martin Luther King parade."